Kleer series

Kleer Series

Kleer Series is a powerful video resource to help you start spiritual conversations with young people aged 11–18 who have little or no church background

We're delighted to be able to provide Kleer Series for free to members of The 95 Campaign. As free access is exclusive to those who've signed up, we ask that you don't share this link (or any of the video files) outside of the 95 Community. You can, of course, use the series with any young people who you think would benefit.

We hope you'll find this series of 24 videos really useful as you strive to engage young people with little or no church background in the Christian faith.

Each 6-minute video explores themes of identity, purpose and faith through presenters, visual storytelling and poetry, and ends with three questions that can be used to facilitate discussion.

Here are a few ideas for how you could use Kleer Series:

  • Use in informal youth clubs and youth cafes as a conversation starter with young people
  • Start conversations in breakfast, lunchtime or after school clubs
  • Use in assemblies or as a tutor time activity
  • Use as part of a residential event to get people talking
  • Share the videos with mentees to start discussions
  • Engage young people on the streets via your mobile phone as part of detached youth work

The series is split into six sets that you can access below:

The 95 block

Together, we can reach the 95% of children and young people not in church

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