This video has been created to be used around Anti-Bullying Week (16-20 November 2020), though of course it could be used any time that you wish to help children think about the topic. It shows how people can be mocked, bullied or picked on just because they are different. It illustrates this with an incident where someone is bullied because they can’t ride a bike. It then introduces the Bible story of Joseph who was bullied by his brothers, and explains why this happened. It quotes Ephesians 4:32 which encourages us to be kind to one another, then finishes with a challenge to respond differently in bullying situations.
To download the PDF that accompanies this video, click the 'Download' button on the right hand side of this page.
To view the Anti-bullying video, scroll down and watch on this page, or click through to YouTube.
- 5-8 yrs,
- 8-11 yrs
- PDF,
- Video