Jesus Died for Me? Resource Pack

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Jesus Died For Me? Resource Pack

This resource pack is designed to help you effectively incorporate the Jesus Died For Me? books and animation into your activities with children across different settings, particularly at Easter time.

In this pack, you will find the following:

- suggestions for using Jesus died for me? as part of your Easter celebration events.

- a Jesus died for me? group session outline aimed at children aged 5 to 11, with suggestions for including under-5s

- a Jesus died for me? assembly outline for children aged 8 to 11

A PowerPoint is available to use with this resource.

View all the resources in the Jesus Died For Me? series.


  • 5-8 yrs,
  • 8-11 yrs
  • Easter
  • English
  • Content type:
  • Resource (free)
  • Format:
    • Zip file
    Jesus Died For Me?
    A beautifully illustrated poetic of why Jesus died, how he rose from the dead and how he did it all for us.
     Bu Farw Iesu Drosof Fi? cover
    Ideas for using Bu Farw Iesu Drosof Fi? in a range of Welsh-language settings (celebration events, assemblies, groups sessions).
     Bu Farw Iesu Drosof Fi? cover
    A Welsh translation of Jesus Died For Me?
    Jesus died for me?
    An animation of Jesus Died for Me?
    Jesus died for me?
    An animation of Bu Farw Iesu Drosof Fi?

    The 95 block

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