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Five storytelling videos to use with the TeamBuilders holiday club.

Episode 1 

Episode 2

Episode 3

Episode 4

Episode 5


Dr Luke has a story to tell. It's a super incredible, massively, mind-boggling totally AMAZING, absolutely awesome, epically HUGE story. Luke wrote...


Dr Luke has a story to tell. It's a super incredible, massively, mind-boggling totally AMAZING, absolutely awesome, epically HUGE story. Luke wrote...


Dr Luke has a story to tell. It's a super incredible, massively, mind-boggling totally AMAZING, absolutely awesome, epically HUGE story. Luke wrote...


The Bible storytelling video for Trip 3 of the Backpackers holiday club.

Alex and Esther tell the story of Jesus' last meal with his friends, from...


The Bible storytelling video for Trip 4 of the Backpackers holiday club.

Esther and Alex tell the story of Jesus' betrayal and arrest, from Matthew...


The Bible storytelling video for Trip 5 of the Backpackers holiday club.

Alex and Esther tell the story of Jesus' death and resurrection, from...


The Bible storytelling video for Trip 1 of the Backpackers holiday club.

Alex and Esther tell the story of Jesus' arrival in Jerusalem, from Matthew...


The Bible storytelling video for Trip 2 of Backpackers holiday club.

Esther and Alex tell the story of the woman who anointed Jesus with perfume...


A backing track to use with the song 'Do This, Do This', which is the Learn and remember verse song for Backpackers holiday club. 


'We Are Going on a Big Adventure' by Doug Horley is the theme song for the Backpackers holiday club.

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