Be More Micah Collection

Be More Micah

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While most young people don’t believe in Jesus, they do passionately believe in righting injustice. Created through your support, our new resource Be More Micah uses that enthusiasm as a basis to introduce young people to God. SU’s Maggie Barfield who developed it explains more.

‘Even though there’s so much brokenness and terrible things going on in the world, if each person took that one step forward, it would make a big change’. Etta, 15

Be more Micah (CY)

Many young people like Etta are hugely committed to big issues like climate change, poverty and equality. Be More Micah helps them to understand those issues through the lens of the gospel. It also enables them to take action, because that is their way of expressing their belief in something.

Available exclusively to Faith Guides, Be More Micah is a collection of over 25 specially created videos interwoven with 100 individual pieces of content. These draw on the knowledge and skills of a range of Christian experts including black apologist theologian Clare Williams.

Be more micah video still

We explore each topic in some depth and also signpost to other information sources to help take young people on an exciting voyage of discovery. There are practical ideas, such as having a vigil, and topics to stimulate discussion; for example, did you know that walking to school or taking public transport once a week makes more difference than recycling for a whole year?

Be More Micah incorporates the Revealing Jesus mission framework, so the type of material and how the Bible is handled is adapted for where the teenagers are on their faith journey. It’s got enough structure to give adequate support to less experienced Faith Guides. It’s also flexible to allow young people to determine the actions they want to take, and at a pace that allows their relationship with God to unfold.

Faith guides

Get access to exclusive resources

In addition to Be More Micah, you’ll have access to drama-based Showtime (also for 14 to 18s) and SeeKing Jesus (for 5 to 8s). Plus we’ll give you all the support and training you need, helping you to introduce the next generation to the God who loves them!

Discover more about what a Faith Guide is by clicking here.

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