Belarus camp

Making Jesus known in the former communist block

Story type:
  • International

After the fall of communism in Eastern Europe, Scripture Union has been hard at work spreading the good news where once it was banned. SU Belarus, though still working under challenging conditions, facilitates Bible summer camps, neighbourhood fellowship clubs, and children/youth ministry training.

SU Belarus

Belarus camp

After the fall of communism in Eastern Europe, Scripture Union has been hard at work spreading the good news where once it was banned. SU Belarus was founded shortly after independence in 1991. Still working under challenging conditions, the SU Belarus team facilitate Bible summer camps, neighbourhood fellowship clubs, and children's/youth ministry training.

“Without your support we would not be able to continue our ministry here in Belarus. Your continued support is a vital life line!” Llya, SU Belarus

SU supporters through the Scripture Union England & Wales International Fund have been key funders of this growing ministry. Recently the fund has supported an upgrade to the SU Belarus campsite, bringing water to the site and washing facilities for the first time. Now the children and young people who attend camp no longer have to walk several miles to fetch water.

SU around the world

Scripture Union is alive and active in over 120 countries around the world. 


  • English
  • Topic:
    • World affairs
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    • What your support enables

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