Pop-up mission

Pop-up missions

Story type:
  • North West England

Want to try a new, quick and easy approach to mission? 

If you do, then a pop-up mission will probably be right up your street! So far, we have trialled both big and small pop-up missions across the north west – from family fun days to Easter outreach. And the beauty of a pop-up mission is that it doesn’t need to involve loads of planning or loads of resources. 

All you need is a group of people and a simple idea, and you're set. Our communities are full of young people and children who want to know about the love of Jesus, and this is a great way to reach out to them.

What is a pop-up mission?


The trick is to think simple, short and with minimal planning. The mission activity could even be as short as a few hours or half a day. The only prerequisite is that you need to get out and go to where people are.

Why not

  • put a gazebo in your local park in the summer, organise some games that will engage with children and young people and give away bottled water?
  • go to your local tourist attraction, buy a load of ice lollies from the ice cream van (but don't bring your own and ruin his trade for the day) and give them away with a simple explanation of who you are and why you are doing this as an expression of God’s love? 

Invite them to something else, too!
It's a great idea to have something else to invite people to after your initial event. For example, a Wirral church went out into the local shopping area on Easter Saturday giving away free chocolate, ‘Four Points’ cards and Guardians of Ancora comics. They invited everyone to a free lunch that day and around 20 children with their carers turned up. At the lunch they invited the children to their kids club and the adults to an Alpha and to their regular lunch club.

Think: 'so what?' and 'what next?' You could invite people to a Saturday morning breakfast, a Sweaty Church event, a Light Party or a Christmas Nativity service (or whatever else is appropriate for the time of year). If you invite people to your Sunday morning service straight away, chances are they won’t come. Think about inviting them to something less intimidating, more social, fun and interactive first.

In short

  • go out
  • engage with people
  • demonstrate God’s love
  • have a simple gospel message ready
  • invite them to something.


  • English
  • Purpose:
    • Outreach
    • Church & Community

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