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Prayers for June - August 2022

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Thank you for joining us in praying for Scripture Union's work!

Week beginning May 29

This week's prayers relate to this article. Please pray for Faith Guides as they journey with young people.

Sunday 29 Give thanks to God for Sarah and other Faith Guides, for their passion and commitment and for using their gifts to share his love with children and young people who don’t yet know him. You can read more about Sarah's story here.

Monday 30 Praise God for how sports ministry gives children and young people a glimpse of his kingdom and how he values them, whatever their abilities, whoever they are.

Tuesday 31 Give thanks to God for the opportunity churches have to be safe places where young people can find acceptance, purpose and positive role models that they so desperately need with the uncertainty in the world.

Wednesday 1 Praise God for his provision, allowing SU to support Faith Guides through training, resources and mentoring by Mission Enablers.

Thursday 2 Please pray that God continues to plant seeds of faith in all the children and young people that Faith Guides are in contact with.

Friday 3 Give thanks for all those who have already committed to become Faith Guides. Please pray that God will guide them as they build relationships with young people in their communities.

Saturday 4 Please pray that this summer many more churches will feel inspired to try out sports ministry as a way of connecting and building relationships with children and young people.

Week beginning June 5

Sunday 5 Last month SU Northern Ireland filmed the SHINE in schools video resources for use in November. Pray that the final editing work will go well and that this resource will equip young people to live for God at school and help others to explore Christianity.

Monday 6 Please pray for Fi Messenger, children’s and family worker with Local Mission Partner Archway Trust, as she works in villages in mid-Northamptonshire. Pray too for the volunteers who support her and for the children moving up from primary school to secondary school.

Tuesday 7 Pray for Ian Gooding and the rest of the Digital Solutions team as they continue to work on getting the new database running smoothly across all areas of our work. Thank God for good understanding of the technical needs, and pray for wisdom and patience for them all!

Wednesday 8 It’s great to be planning a normal summer again after two years of restricted activity. We need to fill almost 2,000 volunteer spaces to make this happen; please pray that many people will come forward, excited about the opportunity to share Jesus with children and young people.

Thursday 9 Give thanks for the successful launch of the SeeKing Jesus resource collection for ages 5 to 8, designed to help Faith Guides support children as they explore their place in God’s big story. Pray that it will enable many to find Jesus.

Friday 10 Pray that assemblies (in person and video), prayer spaces and It's Your Move this month run by Local Mission Partner GenR8 in Cambridgeshire will have a positive impact. Pray for Sian Thorne and Steve Whyatt as they head up the work, and for new volunteers to join the team.

Saturday 11 The next holiday club uses stories of Jesus healing and restoring, from John’s Gospel. Senior Content Manager Angela Grigson is in the final stages of getting it ready for press; pray that everything will come together and all final issues will be resolved.

Week beginning June 12

Sunday 12 Pray for the Annual General Meeting of SU Singapore being held this month. Give thanks for God’s providence and protection, and pray for wisdom, guidance and inspiration from the Holy Spirit.

Monday 13 Local Mission Partner Matlock Area Schools Trust gives thanks for two new workers, Hannah and Chloe, who are again able to go into schools leading collective worship and Walk Through the Bible. Pray for another worker to enable them to take up all the opportunities on offer.

Tuesday 14 Pray for Mandy Hagon, PA to Mission Development Director Richard Shaw, as she works with Richard and the team, enabling Faith Guides, mission partners and holidays and missions to engage with the 95. Pray for her too as she supports SU’s Leadership Team with internal communications.

Wednesday 15 Faith Guide Jenni is a pioneer evangelist working with the Church Army on the Grange Park estate in Blackpool. Pray for the young people on the estate and for the work in the local community, especially the group they run on a Sunday evening.

Thursday 16 Thank God for faithful and generous supporters who share with us in our mission to bring the good news of Jesus to children and young people. Pray that God will fill them with his peace and blessing, that they may know his love and be confident of their hope.

Friday 17 Pray for Local Mission Partner The Youth Net in Staffordshire as they help Year 6 pupils prepare to move to secondary school learning from Jesus’ example of being a good friend, and as they run Year 7 Survival Skills workshops.

Saturday 18 Grace Inwood, Facilities and Administration Assistant, asks us to pray that everyone will be kept safe now that staff are in the National Office more regularly, following the relaxation of Covid restrictions. Pray too for continuing good working relationships with the contractors who look after our building, and for good relationships with neighbours.

Week beginning June 19

Sunday 19 Pray for Christian Teachers Connect, an online event designed to encourage and refresh Christian teachers across New South Wales, Australia. Pray that this will be a source of encouragement and enable good connections to be made.

Monday 20 Pray for the North staff team as they work with churches and volunteers over a busy summer as people start and restart local projects, holiday clubs, missions and residentials. Pray that many children and young people will hear about Jesus as a result.

Tuesday 21 Pray that the prayer spaces and lunchtime clubs run in primary schools by Local Mission Partner Beverley Schools Christian Trust will enable children to explore the truth about Jesus and discover what he might mean for them.

Wednesday 22 Pray for work being done on defining improvements to the holiday booking processes; it is important that we identify how things can be improved for the holiday team and their volunteers, in an effective and affordable manner.

Thursday 23 The last two years have seen huge changes across the fundraising sector. Please pray for wisdom and understanding for Gaenor Hall, Senior Fundraising Manager, as she implements strategic changes to enable improved relationships and increase resources for our ministry.

Friday 24 Lifepath Brinkburn starts next week and provides the opportunity for children of seven and eight to explore the Christian faith through the life of the monks who served at the priory. Please pray for many children to engage and to want to find out more about following Jesus.

Saturday 25 Local Mission Partner Ignite-Alnwick ask us to pray for their group of teenagers as they faithfully seek the meaning and relevance of a faith in Jesus Christ, for their Open the Book team as they increase their presence in local primary schools and for a fresh vision and enthusiasm for the Mighty Oaks project which reaches out to Alnwick’s late-night community on a Saturday night. 

Week beginning June 26

Sunday 26 Scripture Union Benin thank God for new churches being reached through the distribution of their 2022 Bible Guides and the impact of Bible promotion sessions. Pray for new partnerships with churches and schools in the Life Skills project.

Monday 27 Give thanks for new volunteers for Open the Book run by Local Mission Partner Future Vision in Sudbury. Pray for God’s continued direction and wisdom at Thomas Gainsborough School as Ian and Liz encourage both staff and students.

Tuesday 28 The Showtime resource collection has been created to help Faith Guides use performing arts to engage in creative ways with young people aged 14 to 18. Give thanks for all the work that has gone into this and pray that Faith Guides will have the courage to use it.

Wednesday 29 Pray for Mission Events Co-ordinator Sue Hill at this busy time as she closes volunteer applications for holidays and missions and works hard to clear the remaining team in time to serve. Pray too that all those volunteering this summer will have a rewarding and enriching experience.

Thursday 30 Pray for the Lunchtime Grow Community ‘Worship Wonders’ in Southampton which has 28 children attending. Pray that the team will make the best use of their time and that the children will grow in faith and confidence in Jesus.

Friday 1 Thank God for opportunities Local Mission Partner CSCW in Chester have to support over thirty local schools with their Year 6 transition work through their Moving On project. Please pray for rest for the team, teachers and pupils over the summer as they prepare for the new academic year.

Saturday 2 Please pray for ongoing wisdom, insight and discernment as SU seeks to refine and develop the Revealing Jesus framework to meet the challenges and opportunities of the new post-pandemic context faced by the 95, and the local churches and volunteers who seek to journey alongside them. 

Week beginning July 3

Sunday 3 Pray that the secondary schools and colleges in which SU Vanuatu work will once again open their doors to their ministry and that many young people will hear the good news of Jesus as a result.

Monday 4 Pray for the Faith Guides like Liam Hathway supported by the south west region. Pray that the new football project which Liam has launched in Liskeard will create a desire among the young people to explore the difference that Jesus can make to their lives.

Tuesday 5 Please pray for north region Support Worker Sarah Howard- Smith as she looks forward to a busy summer of activities, especially the Beach Life team in the north west. Pray too that she will be able to manage her time sensibly over the summer while her children are off school.

Wednesday 6 Thank God for the commitment and willingness of the trustees to serve God and SU. Pray that as the Board meets next Wednesday to review and sign off the Annual Report and Accounts, they will know God’s wisdom and discernment in their discussions and decisions.

Thursday 7 The All Together Now holiday for families with children who are fostered and adopted starts tomorrow. It’s only the second time that it has run; please pray for John and Rachel Settatree and the team as they lead the holiday, and for a real sense of God’s presence.

Friday 8 Be More Micah is designed to provide Faith Guides with resources to help young people aged 14–18 explore environmental and social justice issues from a Christian perspective. Pray that this will help them see their concerns in the light of God’s plan for the world. You can read more about Be More Micah here.

Saturday 9 Pray for the Faith Guides who will come on the Launchpad holiday run by Mission Enabler Neil Jackson. Pray for good relationships with the children on the holiday and that the activities will help them to move on in their understanding of Jesus.

Week beginning July 10

Sunday 10 Give thanks with SU Serbia for the Parent Podcast they have started with the intention of encouraging and supporting parents. Give thanks too for two sisters who have joined the team for writing daily devotionals for young people on Instagram. Pray that this will bring fruit in the hearts of the young people.

Monday 11 Bex Jignasu, Mission Partners Co-ordinator, asks us to pray that the updated partnerships will lead to strengthened relationships with our mission partners and that they are able to implement the Revealing Jesus framework in ways relevant for them.

Tuesday 12 Please pray that the Faith Guides who are using the SeeKing Jesus resource collection will gain trust in their communities and that this will enable a wide use of the assembly outlines, after-school club plans and sessions for helping children and families respond to Jesus.

Wednesday 13 Local Mission Partner Brentwood Schools Christian Worker Trust is thankful for being able to take It’s Your Move lessons in primary schools supporting Year 6 pupils with It’s Your Move books sponsored by local churches. Please also pray for their upcoming office move.

Thursday 14 The Maze and Spot the Difference holidays are moving to a new venue in Derbyshire this summer. Please pray for the leaders and children as they adapt to being in a different environment, and for excitement at being back together again in person.

Friday 15 Pray for growth in engagement in the Faith Guide Community. Pray that Faith Guides will share their stories, encourage one another, celebrate achievements and support one another in prayer.

Saturday 16 Local Mission Partner Cadwyn Teifi do not have a worker at present, but the National Eisteddfod of Wales will be held in Tregaron, which is part of the area in which they work, from 30 July to 6 August. Pray that they will be able to use this opportunity creatively.

Week beginning July 17

Please pray for all SU volunteers.
This week's prayers all relate to this story.

Sunday 17 Give thanks to God for Jonny and other young Christians for their commitment in sharing their time and gifts as volunteers on holidays and missions.

Monday 18 Praise God for strengthening the faith of volunteers as they share Jesus with children and young people.

Tuesday 19 Please pray for those more experienced mission and holiday leaders like Jonny as they train up the next generation of volunteers.

Wednesday 20 Ask God to guide and bless all SU volunteers this summer as some of our holidays and missions return to being in person for the first time in two years.

Thursday 21 Praise God for inspiring children and young people on SU holidays and missions through the volunteer leaders and the way in which they model faith.

Friday 22 Give thanks to God for volunteers who give to SU in other capacities – our Trustees, our Council members and many more.

Saturday 23 Please pray for God to raise up more volunteers to journey with children and young people and help them to encounter his love.

Week beginning July 24

Sunday 24 Pray for Vacation Bible Schools being run by SU India asking that they will reach many children all over India – both online and offline. Pray for the volunteers needed to help with this.

Monday 25 Pray for new staff as they settle into their roles within the south east region. Pray that as we move into the summer months, the team will be able to make the most of the opportunities to help children and young people discover Jesus. Give thanks for Local Mission Partner Christian Connections in Schools, who are celebrating their tenth birthday this year.

Tuesday 26 Pray for ‘What’s the Point?’, a project run in Newham by Local Mission Partner Faith in Schools in partnership with Youth for Christ. It is designed to educate and empower young people to change the culture of youth violence.

Wednesday 27 Give thanks for the thousands of children around the world who will be playing Guardians of Ancora today. Every ten minutes (on average, across the day and time zones) someone is starting to play for the first time – and exploring the stories of Jesus through the app.

Thursday 28 This summer, Mission Enabler Hannah Legge will be taking young leaders to help run a sports mission at Creation Fest in Cornwall alongside partner charity Sportily. Pray that they will become more confident as they share their faith with children, young people and families. Please also pray for good weather as it takes place outside.

Friday 29 Missions are happening right across England and Wales at the moment. Please pray that many children and young people will encounter Jesus through their work and take their first steps in following him.

Saturday 30 Local Mission Partner Re:generation in Harrow praise God for a fruitful year with their current school links. Pray that links with churches and local volunteers will increase and for direction and strength as the team rest over the summer and plan for next year.

Week beginning July 31

Sunday 31 Scripture Union Portugal is developing a devotional app for young people. Pray that the Word of God will reach many young people as a result of this project and will help them to meet God and grow in their faith.

Monday 1 Please pray that as Faith Guides use the Showtime resource collection, it will provide young people with opportunities to explore the Bible, respond to Jesus and grow in faith in a lively, fun and creative environment.

Tuesday 2 Margaret Lilley, Regional Team Leader in the south west, is passionate about partnering with others and giving opportunities for younger people to take on leadership. Pray for her as she seeks further opportunities to help young people become more confident in sharing their faith and leading others.

Wednesday 3 The staff team and volunteers of Local Mission Partner The Lighthouse are resting after another busy year. Pray that they will come back in September refreshed and with renewed excitement to share their faith with the 95 in the schools of Crawley.

Thursday 4 Pray that all the young people who attended the Rooted retreat in June will continue to grow in faith. Pray that churches wanting to connect with young people and children in their communities will find Rooted a useful tool from which they can draw ideas and resources.

Friday 5 Please pray for the holidays and missions taking place this summer across the central region, including those in SU’s national programme and the various holiday clubs and other events that the Faith Guides are putting on in their local communities.

Saturday 6 Please pray for Myles MacBean as he seeks wisdom in balancing the spiritual, operational and strategic aspects of his role as National Director, particularly as we now reflect on the early progress of our Revealing Jesus framework and start new projects to further support local churches in their journey with the 95.

Week beginning August 7

Sunday 7 Please pray for SU Uganda who are seeking to set up a radio station in the eastern region of Uganda as a way of reaching young people and families in the region and beyond with the good news of Jesus.

Monday 8 Pray that the afterschool Grow Community ‘Believe Club’ in Southampton will continue to get positive feedback. Give thanks to God for the delight and enthusiasm that the children bring.

Tuesday 9 Pray for Trevor Ranger of Local Mission Partner Synergy Christian Trust as he leads two three-day Holiday Bible Clubs this month. The first, in the village of Edington (Somerset) begins today. Next week Trevor will be working with two churches in Marshfield (Gloucestershire).

Wednesday 10 The Centre Stage and Curtains Up! holidays are taking place now providing an opportunity for young people to explore their faith through performing arts. Some of their leaders have been helping to develop resources to equip children and young people to join in God’s mission. Pray for everyone involved in trialling these resources so that we can help children and young people to live out their calling to follow Jesus.

Thursday 11 Pray for Mark Green who heads up the Digital Solutions team and for the team as they work together to ensure that we are making the best use of technology to enhance our mission delivery and maximise efficiency in the use of our resources.

Friday 12 Pray that as they wrestle with the meaning and application of Micah 6:8, and see how God is the source of justice, the young people who are using Be More Micah will come to understand that God is the true source of justice.

Saturday 13 In a world of interlocked technology, cybersecurity becomes increasingly important. Pray for Ian Gooding, Technical Services Manager, and Technical Service Assistants Dom Vis and James Gregg as they make this a major focus over the next few months.

Week beginning August 14

Sunday 14 SU Honduras hope to restart classes; please pray that they will be granted the necessary authority to give Bible classes to the students in the schools.

Monday 15 This is a really busy time of year for the holidays and missions team in SU’s National Office. Please pray for Jo Morley and the rest of the team as they work to support all our holiday and mission volunteers this summer.

Tuesday 16 Please pray for the volunteers at Local Mission Partner Bodmin Youth Project as they shape the programmes for the year ahead, especially as young people move on, and younger members come up. Ask God for wisdom and direction, and for new groups to form quickly.

Wednesday 17 Scripture Union in Wales is running SLAM (Sport, Life, Adventure and More) in Llanmadoc from 1 to 4 August in partnership with Faith Guides from across South Wales who will bring young people and provide leaders for the holiday. Pray for Regional Team Leader John Settatree and Mission Enabler Jack Newbould who will be part of the team.

Thursday 18 Pray that south east Mission Enabler Lisa Jones will have wisdom in helping Faith Guides to navigate this challenging time. She especially asks us to pray that she will be able to focus on coaching rather than trying to fix things.

Friday 19 Please pray for Adelaide Nketsia as she continues to provide professional advice and support across the full range of the HR function, ensuring compliance with statutory obligations and best practice within the movement.

Saturday 20 Local Mission Partner ACTS Thanet plan to deepen their relationship with local churches aiming to have more coordinated prayer for all the schools in their area. Pray that this will be fruitful. Pray too about the possibility of starting work in secondary schools.

Week beginning August 21

Sunday 21 Pray that as SU USA seek to grow their beach ministry God will raise up emerging leaders. Thank him for the faithful existing leaders who are key to this strategy.

Monday 22 Thank God for his continued financial provision and pray that we may steward wisely the resources that he has given us so that God’s name may be glorified through the ministry of Scripture Union.

Tuesday 23 Pray for children’s workers who are planning to run Guardians of Ancora clubs in schools, churches and communities over the next few weeks. Pray for energy and fresh inspiration for leaders and pray that many new children will come to clubs and be excited by the stories of Jesus and the friendships they make.

Wednesday 24 The SU Bake Off 2 holiday, along with others, is trying out some prototype resources for young leader development on the holidays and missions. Please pray for all our young leaders as they serve on the holidays and missions, that they may be encouraged and grow in their faith.

Thursday 25 Join Local Mission Partner Hope for the Valleys in giving thanks for the opportunities they’ve had to visit schools in the year since Mick Moffett joined the team working in the South Wales Valleys. Pray for more doors to be opened especially as they take the SU football cage to different venues

Friday 26 Janine Parkinson has recently joined as a Mission Enabler. Pray for the Lord’s favour in meeting and connecting with more youth and children’s workers around the central region and in the Sheffield area to expand the impact of the Revealing Jesus framework.

Saturday 27 Please pray for all those who use our Bible Reading Guides and who faithfully pray for the work of Scripture Union. Ask God to encourage them and build them up as they read the Bible and engage with one another on our social media pages. 


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