Thank you for joining us in praying for Scripture Union's work!
Week beginning August 25
This week's prayers relate to this article. Please pray for all Faith Guides and the Scripture Union Mission Enablers who support them.
Sunday 25 August
Please pray for all the young people, including Carolyn’s group, that are at Dynamic Camp at Romsey right now (24–27 August). Ask God to reveal himself to them and help them understand more of his love for them.
Monday 26 August
Ask God to continue to bless the efforts of those involved in the work at Holy Trinity Church and Western Youth Project. Pray that many more children and young people will encounter Jesus for themselves.
Tuesday 27 August
As the young people return home from Dynamic camp and other events this summer, please pray that God will help them continue to grow in faith. Pray particularly for those whose families are unsupportive of their faith journey.
Wednesday 28 August
Please ask God to grant rest to Carolyn and the leaders of the other churches who put so much into running Dynamic Camp and renew their strength as they prepare for follow-up activities.
Thursday 29 August
Give thanks to God for Carolyn and Jenni and for all Faith Guides and Mission Enablers across the country, as they work so hard to reveal Jesus to children and young people.
Friday 30 August
Please pray that many of the young people in Carolyn’s youth group will come to Holy Trinity Church Weston’s new monthly Trinity Youth Group to learn from the Bible, share breakfast together and worship Jesus.
Saturday 31
Please pray that many, many children from Weston estate will come to the Light Party that Carolyn plans to hold on 3 November at Holy Trinity Church. Ask God to help them see and understand the amazing light and life that they can find only in him.
Week beginning September 1
Sunday 1 September
Pray for the Scripture Union Global Board who will be meeting during the week 9–14 September in Athens. Pray for insightful conversations and for wise and godly decisions to be made.
Monday 2 September
Pray for Mission Partner ACTIOS worker Jennifer Musson who expects to be in seven St Neots’ schools this month with regular collective worship and Open the Book assemblies. Pray too that God will provide more trustees and that they will keep their eyes on Jesus.
Tuesday 3 September
Please pray for Director of Mission Development, Richard Shaw, as he reviews Scripture Union’s mission activity to the 95 this summer with the Mission Development Leadership team. Pray, too, for his preparations for the Amplify Young Evangelist Academy in October.
Wednesday 4 September
Please pray for all the children and young people who encountered God on our holidays and missions this summer as they return to school. As they settle into new classes and schools, please pray that they will find the support they need to continue growing in faith.
Thursday 5 September
Please pray for the Development Hub as they finalise a new edition of It’s Your Move. Please pray that the final checks will ensure an excellent production, that relationships with the printers will be smooth and that this resource will continue to reach thousands of children as they prepare for secondary school.
Friday 6 September
Pray for the work of Mission Partner Future Vision in Sudbury as they offer clubs, Open the Book and chaplaincy in local schools. Pray for the trustees in their leadership role and for the workers and volunteers sharing the good news of Jesus with children and young people.
Saturday 7 September
Pray for Keefe Owen in our Wales team, as he leads Exploring Christianity through Mountain Biking with New Life Church, Llanfair Caereinion. This will take place at Coed Y Brenin on September 21 or 28, depending on the weather, helping young people explore the Bible alongside riding bikes.
Week beginning September 8
Sunday 8 September
SU Slovakia is one of the organisers of the National Slovak conference for Children’s Workers to be held 20– 21 September. This is an important event for networking, building relationships, learning new skills and for being spiritually encouraged. Pray for good numbers to attend the workshops so that children’s ministry in Slovakia will grow.
Monday 9 September
Pray that as people move on from working in the schools team of Mission Partner Brighton and Hove City Mission, God will be preparing someone to join the team in September to help Asha continue serving schools in the area.
Tuesday 10 September
With the ever-increasing speed of change in Information Technology, Database Manager Gill Russell asks us to pray for wisdom and knowledge in planning data and IT strategies, so that we can make the most efficient use of new technology to support the digital infrastructure within the movement.
Wednesday 11 September
Pray for Faith Guide Liz Boland in Preston. The vicar of her church is retiring, and she is anxious to find ways of keeping the work with the 95 going against the background of changes in the parish.
Thursday 12 September
Thank God for our supporters who bless us with their love, prayer, time and money. Pray that they too will be blessed in return.
Friday 13 September
Please pray for Sharon Esnard, recently appointed as SU’s Director of Finance and Services. Give thanks for her appointment and pray that she will quickly find her feet in this important role.
Saturday 14 September
Pray for wisdom and guidance for Sian Ifan, Support Worker for SU Wales, as she supports the Wales team. Join her in giving thanks for those with whom she communicates through SU and pray that God will continue to encourage her in her work.
Week beginning September 15
Sunday 15 September
SU Nepal plans to hold follow-up Bible camps in Dadeldhura, Baitadi and Bajhang districts between 17 and 30 September. Please pray that many people will come to take part in the Bible study, with more hunger and thirst for the word of God.
Monday 16 September
This term the north team will continue to pioneer new missional ideas and projects in local areas. Please pray for God’s guidance as they ‘think outside the box’, exploring new and innovative ways to connect with children and young people across the north of England.
Tuesday 17 September
Give thanks with National Mission Partner Festive for the hundreds of sixth-form and college students who want to live for Jesus and share him with their friends. Pray that Festive staff and volunteers may have wisdom as they equip and inspire these young people.
Wednesday 18 September
Please pray for the Digital Solutions team, the Development Hub and our partner Zoocha as they complete the final testing of a new online Resource Centre and prepare to upload the content. This will greatly improve access to all the resources at the heart of the Revealing Jesus mission framework.
Thursday 19 September
Pray for wisdom for Eddie Nock, Senior Communications and Marketing Manager, as he explores the best ways to raise SU’s profile among those who aren’t aware of our work with the 95. Pray for creativity and clarity with limited resources at hand.
Friday 20 September
Go Wild Dartmoor, a Faith Guide holiday that is running for the second year, starts next weekend. Please pray for Chris Eales and the team as they help the children to explore faith through outdoor activities and the natural environment.
Saturday 21 September
Sports Ministry Consultant Mark Oliver asks us to pray for Half Time, a new resource to help Faith Guides journey through Mark’s Gospel with the 95, using fun games to draw out the themes from each passage. Pray that many will discover the message of the Bible for themselves.
Week beginning September 22
Sunday 22 September
The SU Global team will be facilitating online collaborative spaces to continue some of the conversations started at the Global Gathering. Pray for the first of these to be held on 25 September, where volunteering in SU will be discussed.
Monday 23 September
Pray that Mission Partner CLiKS will find the right person to work with them, a dynamic Christian to help them reveal Jesus in Keighley schools. Pray that the trustees and volunteers will continue to make connections and build relationships.
Tuesday 24 September
Over the summer, many young people who have responded to Jesus will have received the booklet So, What Next?. Pray that this will help them as they set out on their journey with Jesus and discover who God is, who they are and who they can become.
Wednesday 25 September
In the south east region there has been an increase in Faith Guides working to develop and raise up young leaders. Pray for Regional Team Leader Josh Booth as he explores how the team can best support them, and for faith and courage for the young leaders.
Thursday 26 September
Please pray for Faith Guide Izzi and her team in North Cornwall as they build a monthly Grow Community call Limitless. They expected only five to their first session but thirteen arrived. Pray that more will connect and that those who are following Jesus will grow in faith.
Friday 27 September
Pray for our Mission Enablers in Wales as they explore with Faith Guide churches ways of reaching more children and young people through mission in the country. Pray that God will inspire and equip them as they seek to apply the Revealing Jesus framework in their own unique contexts.
Saturday 28 September
Pray for unity, imagination, and a desire to reach beyond the church walls as we seek to extend our reach and build partnerships with a wider group of local churches to reveal Jesus to the 95.
Week beginning September 29
Sunday 29 September
The Schools team of SU Northern Ireland is facing a period of transition as new members join. Pray for stability and for new team members to feel established quickly. Pray also for SU Groups as the team seek to equip them for the year ahead.
Monday 30 September
Join the south west team in giving thanks for the increase in Faith Guides accessing Faith Guide holidays. Give thanks for these holidays where children and young people have more time to consider responding to Jesus and can continue to grow after the event with the help of their Faith Guides.
Tuesday 1 October
Pray that Mission Enabler Sarah Davison will have creativity and wisdom as she explores how we can connect online with some of the hardest-to-reach of the 95, providing them with opportunities to discover the difference that Jesus can make in their daily lives.
Wednesday 2 October
Mission Partner DSWT gives thanks for nearly 30 years of outreach to schools in Doncaster with RE lessons, Open the Book assemblies Prayers and seasonal events and for the faithful work of Linda and Dan. Pray that new recruit Ellie will settle into her work in primary schools.
Thursday 3 October
Thank God for all our volunteers who give up so much to share their faith with children and young people on holidays and missions. Pray that as they return to normal routines, they will continue to be encouraged and inspired by all they experienced of God’s work.
Friday 4 October
Pray for Tanya Pencheva as she looks after administration for the Development Hub and the Bible Reading Guides. Please pray for wisdom in providing fast and accurate support to the writers.
Saturday 5 October
Pray for Mission Partner Ignite in Alnwick as they enter a second year as a Growing Faith hub. Pray for an exciting new package of schools work launching this autumn, for deepening relationships with parents, and for more opportunities for families to explore faith, worship and pray together.
Week beginning October 6
This week's prayers relate to this article. Please pray for our young leaders and those who support them.
Sunday 6 October
Give thanks to God for all the young people doing our Young Leaders Development Programme. Ask God to give them a fresh revelation of his love for them, and a deeper relationship with him.
Monday 7 October
Praise God for Eleanor and other young leaders who have so kindly contributed their time, skills and insight to help SU’s Rachel Blake to shape the Young Leaders Development Programme.
Tuesday 8 October
Praise God for Scripture Union’s volunteer event leaders, for recognising the importance of supporting the next generation of young leaders and getting involved with the Young Leaders Development Programme. Ask God to give them wisdom as they step out in faith to try something new.
Wednesday 9 October
Please pray that SU staff and holiday and event leaders care for every young leader well so that they feel loved and valued.
Thursday 10 October
Ask God to bless our young leaders as they return to their daily lives so that they will feel inspired and equipped to boldly and confidently share the love of Jesus where they are.
Friday 11 October
Praise God and give thanks for SU’s Rachel Blake and the holiday and event leaders for all they do to encourage young Christians and help them develop into the church leaders of the future.
Saturday 12 October
Please ask God to encourage more young Christians to become young volunteer leaders with SU and learn new skills that will enable them to share his good news.
Week beginning October 13
Sunday 13 October
In Vietnam there are two SU movements, one based in Hanoi and the other in Ho Chi Minh City. Pray for SU Vietnam Hanoi as they reconnect with church leaders and expand their ministry with daily notes for young and adult readers, as well as introducing SU Vietnam HCMC to materials for children.
Monday 14 October
Please pray that Ben Poch will have discernment as he leads the Regional Mission team, and that as the team gathers this week to reflect on all that God has done they will be encouraged and equipped to support Faith Guides effectively.
Tuesday 15 October
Halfway through the autumn term, as many schools take a break, please pray for parents and carers as many juggle work commitments alongside parenting. Pray that God will give them all the strength and patience that’s needed.
Wednesday 16 October
Pray for Mission Enabler Lucy Pearson as she pilots sporty Rooted in the north east, using the skills explored in sport and games to initiate conversations about life and faith. Pray for the young people involved and for more sporty Rooted sessions to ripple out nationally.
Thursday 17 October
Please pray for Susannah Quinn, Assistant Accountant, as she processes invoices and expenses in the Finance team. Ask that God would give her attention to detail and enable her to study tax procedures alongside the work.
Friday 18 October
The Josiah Spiers Benevolent Fund provides practical and financial support to SU pensioners. Here are some recent responses: ‘I feel privileged for support of the Josiah Spiers Fund.’ ‘Thank you so much for the gift. It came just as I had expensive roof repairs.’ Pray the trustees will be given wisdom in allocating gifts this Christmas.
Saturday 19 October
Karen Quinney, Mission Events Coordinator, asks us to pray for the Faith Guide holidays taking place over half-term. Pray for the Mission and Events team as they help the new Head of Mission Events to settle in as they prepare for 2025.
Week beginning October 20
Sunday 20 October
Please pray for the national Emerge programme, a leadership and discipleship programme for 15- to-18-year-olds being piloted by SU Australia. Pray that this will refine the thinking and that funding will be available to continue the programme.
Monday 21 October
Pray for the Faith Guides in the south east region who joined the staff team on holidays during the summer. Ask that God would continue to work through them bringing the 95 closer to Jesus.
Tuesday 22 October
Pray for Mission Partner SASW Trust workers Tabz, Hettie and Simon, who are working with churches in Southport, to see Faith Guides engaging with schools and developing Grow Communities. Pray that Hettie, in the final year of a teaching degree, will be able to maximise her time with them, and for discernment over future staffing.
Wednesday 23 October
Thank God for those who have served God through SU and are now retired. Pray for the SU Retirees Network, which provides opportunities for fellowship, for sharing news, and for former workers who experience failing health and find their opportunities for ministry declining.
Thursday 24 October
Autumn Adventure, which starts tomorrow, is a new holiday for Faith Guide groups in Kent and East Sussex. Please pray for Mission Enabler Lisa Jones and the team who are leading, and that the Faith Guide groups who attend will take real steps forward as they explore faith together.
Friday 25 October
Pray for the Board as it meets today to reflect on the wider issues of governance, strategy and finance facing the movement. Pray for understanding of the issues and God’s wisdom in decision-making and planning.
Saturday 26 October
Pray for Mission Partner Artless as they wind up the 2024 tour of If Prison Walls Could Speak and prepare to begin touring Amos & the Grumpy Owl to schools and churches. Pray they will continue to hear God’s voice as they prepare for 2025.
Week beginning October 27
Sunday 27 October
Pray for the board and staff of SU Sri Lanka as they work to recruit new volunteers to support them in carrying out their mission. Pray, too, for the board as they seek a new General Secretary.
Monday 28 October
Please pray that churches who are using our resources to share Jesus, the Light of the World, with children and young people across England and Wales this Halloween will be able to shine in dark places and share the love of Jesus.
Tuesday 29 October
Pray for Content Administrator Michelle Newstead as she gets to grips with new systems and makes printed resources available, both on the SU website and for distribution through the Christian book trade.
Wednesday 30 October
Pray for Mission Partner Farne Churches Youth and Family Outreach as they work closely with Ignite (Mission Partner in Alnwick). Pray for the team as they develop links with schools and seek to offer a range of engaging ways for the children to find out more about Jesus.
Thursday 31 October
Rooted Junior workshops in schools offer lesson-based workshops for primary school children enabling them to explore who they are, why they matter and the difference Jesus can make in their lives. Pray for each young person as they participate in the creative workshops run by local Faith Guides.
Friday 1 November
Pray that the children who have been on the Xplore Faith Guide holiday this week will have encountered Jesus through exploring scripture, prayer and worship. Pray that their Faith Guides will be encouraged and will be able to help their groups draw ever closer to Jesus following the holiday.
Saturday 2 November
Please pray that the Support Worker for the south east region, Tsvetelina Smale, will have the knowledge and wisdom she needs to support the team to the best of her ability, as they prepare for end-of year projects and activities and that God will be glorified in all they do.
Week beginning November 3
Sunday 3 November
Thank God for the work of SU Namibia in the Kavango region. The good news was shared with over 1,000 students at Bunya Combined School. Many responded positively; pray that they will continue to follow Jesus Christ.
Monday 4 November
Mission Partner Christian Schools Workers Hastings praise God for 23 years of serving schools in the local area. As the work is coming to an end, pray that the Lord will do a new thing among the churches so that work can continue in the schools.
Tuesday 5 November
Please pray for Alli Highton as she settles into her new role as Gifts Administrator, asking that she will grasp new processes and systems quickly, learning to process donations accurately and efficiently. Give thanks for support offered by other members of the team.
Wednesday 6 November
The Showtime Collection of Faith Guide resources use the creative arts, such as drama and dance, to provide young people with opportunities to explore the Bible. Pray that as young people engage with God’s Word in this way they might respond to Jesus and grow in faith.
Thursday 7 November
Pray for Mission Partner Reach in Reading as they go into schools, some new to the team, to present Christmas Unwrapped to Year 6 children. Pray too for the sex education lessons they offer in secondary schools.
Friday 8 November
Pray for Marketing Officer, Claire Baines, as she promotes resources to communicate who Jesus is to the 95 this Christmas. Pray that books such as The Grumpy Owl and the Joy of Christmas will open opportunities and that Jesus will continue to be revealed to many children, young people and their families.
Saturday 9 November
In a world of increasing risks and threats around data and cyber security, please pray for the new Data and Compliance Enabler in our Digital Solutions team, working to ensure that we use our tools well to improve the impact of our work while ensuring that sensitive data is protected.
Week beginning November 10
Sunday 10 November
SU in English-speaking Canada is pioneering sports clubs with homeschoolers. Two seasons have been successfully completed in one area. Please pray for the development of new clubs in other areas.
Monday 11 November
Zoraida Ali-Smith, PA to the Director of Mobilisation, has taken on new responsibilities relating to safeguarding in SU. Please pray that God will give her and all the SU safeguarding team wisdom, guidance and sensitivity.
Tuesday 12 November
The Revealing Jesus mission framework has four stages: Connect, Explore, Respond and Grow. Our research suggests that around 35% of our Faith Guides are already working with the 95 at the Grow stage. Pray that as more Faith Guides look to start Grow activities children and young people will develop deeper relationships with Jesus.
Wednesday 13 November
Please pray for the Welsh Faith Guides and Mission Enablers participating in the Rural Pioneer Project as they prepare to trial new seasonal Go Wild material at Christmas. Pray that this trial will enable the production of material that will help the 95 explore the message of Christmas in new ways.
Thursday 14 November
Pray for Trevor Ranger at Mission Partner Synergy Christian Trust this November as he leads Game Changers, a children’s club in Chippenham. This will give Trevor an opportunity to explore the Bible further with children he meets while leading assemblies in local schools.
Friday 15 November
Emma Price, Support Worker in the Regional Mission team, asks us to pray for the Amplify Academy, which provides training in evangelism for young people. Please pray that, following the autumn residential, the small groups meeting together online will provide support and encouragement.
Saturday 16 November
The SU Council exists to help the movement think through the pressures and opportunities created by the varied contexts in which we work. Its members come from a variety of backgrounds and locations and bring specialist expertise. Pray for clear thinking as they meet today.
Week beginning November 17
Sunday 17 November
SU Indonesia will be hosting the International Student Camp in Bogor in December. Pray that the participants from East and West Asia may be inspired to love God more and have solid foundations.
Monday 18 November
Thank God that he continues to meet our financial needs. Please pray for increased financial support as we seek to expand our efforts to reach the 95 with the good news of Jesus.
Tuesday 19 November
Our North team give thanks for great conversations that are still emerging following the Mission Possible Tour, which our teams took to churches this time last year. Pray that these new relationships will lead to fruitful mission work in the area.
Wednesday 20 November
Please pray for the Mission Events team as they make the final preparations for opening the holiday bookings for 2025. Please pray that the process will go smoothly, and that children and young people will be excited about the camps and holidays that are planned for the year ahead and will book in good numbers.
Thursday 21 November
Join Mission Partner Hope for the Valleys in South Wales in giving thanks to God for Ilan Tricker, their new worker, and for the way that he has been able to talk about Jesus in local schools. Pray that God will draw many children and young people to himself.
Friday 22 November
Pray for recently appointed HR Officer Nommie Dube as she navigates her new role within the organisation. Pray that she may have the wisdom to place SU staff at the heart of all decisions and to influence positively the SU work culture, aiming to make SU a satisfying place to work.
Saturday 23 November
Please pray for all members of the Development Hub as they begin work on the October–December 2025 quarter of Encounter with God and Daily Bread. Please pray that the work will go smoothly, and that these notes would continue to be a blessing to all those who read them.
- Connecting You