The Revealing Jesus mission framework

Revealing Jesus launch in Wales

Story type:
  • Wales

It's been an exciting time for us as the Scripture Union Cymru team as we partner together with different churches from across Wales in the outworking of our new strategy - 'Revealing Jesus'.

Map, Wales, Faith Guide, churches, list

Despite all of the Covid restrictions, Scripture Union was able to do a virtual launch of the new strategy, 'Revealing Jesus', to help churches as they reach out to the 95% of children and young people in England and Wales who don't have connections to church. 

Here in Wales, we currently have 11 churches who have signed up to this strategy and have chosen people from within their churches to become 'Faith Guides'. Faith Guides are passionate individuals who, with the help of their local church, will journey alongside children or young people, through authentic, meaningful relationship, as they discover and grow in their Christian faith. 


The four stages of the faith journey

We have just completed the first part of the Faith Guide training with these churches looking at the Connect, Explore, Respond and Grow framework and what this might look like in practise in their situations. 

It's brilliant to hear their passions for working with children and young people and their commitment to walk the journey of faith with them. 

We are excited to be partnering with BUW (Baptist Union Wales) in May to do another launch of the strategy as we work closely with some of their churches across Wales. 


  • English
  • Topic:
    • Community
    • Church & Community

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