

Story type:

Supporting young people to explore faith, life and their potential in creative and relevant ways.

Get rooted

If we want to tell children and young people about Jesus, we need to give them space to explore how the love of God is relevant to the everyday ins and outs of their lives.

Rooted allows groups of young people to explore life, faith and understanding of their potential, with local churches creating accessible opportunities for these conversations to happen.

Rooted starts by looking at the big themes, issues and questions of life through creative and multi-media sessions that are designed to be run in the local school. It then allows space for further exploration, whether that is at lunch time drop-in club, after-school youth group or a monthly social.

This gives young people multiple access points in their communities to further understand how their lives are Rooted in God’s love.


Rooted crafts

Our vision for Rooted is for local youth and children leaders to go on a journey with young people in their communities, standing by them through the ups and downs of life and enabling them to step into their full potential.

Rooted has run across numerous secondary and primary schools in Liverpool and is now running across Manchester. The development of Rooted is taking place and we are hoping to establish a residential in 2019 that will link the Rooted participants together across the north west.

As the SU north west team we want to support and help youth and children's leaders to feel equipped and ready to support the everyday issues of life with young people and children through this new and exciting model.

For more information contact Lucy.


Lucy Pearson

Mission Enabler

I absolutely love seeing the lives of young people transformed by the love of Jesus. By working with churches and communities across Greater Manchester, we can give children and young people the opportunity to hear the gospel and be transformed by his love.


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