A new way of running It's Your Move involving parents and sport
Active transition programme for Year 6's
‘I have run dozens of It’s Your Move sessions for Year 6 students over many years and I thought it was time for a change. I was keen to not only serve the school and support the Year 6 pupils into their transition in their new schools but also to engage and connect with the parents. Our church really wants to try to establish new opportunities for children and their families to explore faith and have the opportunity to pray and worship together.
The session is still based on the brilliant Scripture Union It’s Your Move book which have sold well over one million copies but we just don’t do any crafting, or writing we just explore the themes of opportunity and challenges through sports and games. As we do this we talk naturally about life and faith. We look at a Bible story and in then their parents join us for the final 20 minutes. With the parents sporting challenges are set which help the mains points to be reinforced and so together we think about God being with us in the challenges and opportunities of life before we close in a prayer.
It is thrilling to engage in new ways with our wonderful local school as well as try new approaches to share life and faith with the parents in our communities.’ (An IYM volunteer)
- Sport
- Old Outreach
- OldSport