Girl, Ella in swimming pool

SUmmer 2021: Through her eyes

Meet Ella, age 7 and take a glimpse of her first ever SU holiday experience at Great Wood, Somerset.

Great Wood log cabins

To some, Great Wood, Somerset is just an unknown place. To others, it holds such a special place in their heart.

In a 'normal' summer, Scripture Union block books Great Wood in the Quantock Hills for the whole of the summer holidays and runs a range of camps for children and young people to come and discover Jesus. This year has looked a little different but we were delighted to be able to still run some camps there. One of which was Families Unlimited.


Ella, aged 7, travelled from Greater Manchester for Families Unlimited, to a place she had never been to before and with no idea what to expect (other than it might rain!). But she very quickly discovered a place that will forever be in her heart.

She found a place to make new friends, from a range of ages and backgrounds, and to experience family worship and community with people who were complete strangers just hours before. And she was free to be a child (without screens and Wi-Fi) as she roamed, explored and simply had one huge adventure.

Jesus was all around

Great Wood was a place where she was helped to explore stories from the Bible in a fun and engaging way that resulted in her running to her room to read her Bible at bedtime! But most of all, through the team, and in the way that the camp was run, she discovered love and kindness. And Jesus was all around – whether she realised it or not.

Check out Great Wood through Ella's eyes

If you want to see a snippet of what SUmmer looked like for Ella, check out this video!

SUmmer 2021

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The 95 block

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