

Story type:
  • South East England

Youth workers in Havering joined together to inspire their young people to reach out to their community


With a real desire to see young people have greater ownership of their faith and begin to become sharers of the good news of Jesus themselves, youth workers in Havering put their heads together and created Transform.

Transform is a coming together of like-minded young people for the sole purpose of mission. Every person has the potential to share faith with others and serve their community, and what better way than to start with young people! 

22 young people gathered over pizza and plenty of fizzy drinks to explore what mission is and where they fit in to God's plan of salvation. We journeyed together through the Bible and connected the theory to create building blocks for mission. 

Watch this space! Next time we meet we will be out on the streets sharing the good news of Jesus in creative ways! We seek to 'Transform' Havering with the good news of Jesus.


Sam Fowler

Mission Enabler

There's nothing better than seeing children and young people get to know Jesus. With a background in youth and schools work, I hope to see churches, and our other partners, meet children and young people in their local community.

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