Children on tablet at school

Curriculum Activities

Working alongside your local school and offering to run activities and events that tie in with the curriculum can be a brilliant way to develop relationships and serve the school well

Key Stage 1

Girl showing her picture
Secret Mission is a walk through the life of Jesus in one morning or afternoon for younger pupils. Using stories and small-group activities, led by people from the local church, it highlights some of the key moments in the life of Jesus.

Key Stage 2

Thumbs up for Lifepath
Lifepath is an event that comes in all shapes and sizes for junior school pupils. Throughout the day they find out about the life of a well known Christian from the past and learn about their own 'life path'.
Diary of a disciple Luke
An exciting, 90 minute workshop for children aged 7 to 11 years old, this free workshop accompanies the amazing Diary of a Disciple: Luke's Story which is a quirky, creative retelling of Luke's Gospel.

Key Stage 3

Lifematters is an event for Year 7 pupils just after they have made the move to secondary school. Through activities, craft and discussions they are encouraged to discover how the 'world matters', 'I matter', 'relationships matter' and 'communities matter'.

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With a heart for empowering the local church and taking the good news of Jesus out into schools, and particularly to those who don't go to church, our Mission Enablers have years of experience and expertise that you can tap into, for free!

We're passionate about seeing children and young people encounter Jesus in fun, real and relevant ways and can't wait to start a conversation with you and your church.

The 95 block

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