Admin and Finance Worker - Festive

We are looking for a capable and experienced administrator with some basic bookkeeping experience to support us in the crucial day to day running of Festive and to join our friendly staff team. 

Who we are
Festive is a national Christian organisation and ministry partner of Scripture Union.  Our aim is to support and champion Christian work in Further Education (FE) and Sixth Forms, specifically working to support, train, resource and pray for Christian young people aged 16-18 in living out and sharing their faith at college/sixth form.  

The job role
As well as being a committed Christian with a passion to see young people reached with the gospel, the successful candidate will have strong organisational skills with a good eye for detail.  They will also have experience working in a small business/charity.    

The role will carry various responsibilities including some general bookkeeping, organising wages and payments, preparing basic financial reports, communications with supporters and stakeholders, distributing resources and other general admin tasks.  The role will also include coordinating prayer support for students and chaplains in colleges.

The job can be done from home though we will require at least three quarters of the hours to be completed during office hours (Mon-Fri / 9am-5pm).

Job Title:    Admin and finance worker
Reports to:    Operations manager
Hours:    12-16 hours a week
Salary:    £12 an hour 
Place of work:    Home or suitable venue close to employee
Contract:    This role will be contracted for an initial 12 months. 

Want to find out more?
For more information on this exciting opportunity and to get a full job description and application form please contact [email protected].

Closing date for applications is 22/09/24

Application is by way of an application form.

The 95 block

Together, we can reach the 95% of children and young people not in church

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