95% of under-18s don't go to church, so we must Reveal Jesus to them where they are! Partner with us practically, financially or prayerfully to make this possible in communities across England and Wales…
Our Revealing Jesus strategy is simple: to inspire and empower local churches to journey with local children and young people towards a personal, vibrant faith in Jesus.
But how? We are mobilising an ever-growing network of Faith Guides (ordinary people from churches across England and Wales, passionate about introducing children in their communities to Jesus). Faith Guides are supported and equipped with coaching from our experienced Mission Enablers and have access to exclusive resources to help them build effective long-term, faith-nurturing relationships with 'the 95' in their communities.
The Background: Our research and experience show that most children go through the same stages as they become Christians – Connect, Explore, Respond and Grow. So, Revealing Jesus is all about equipping and resourcing Faith Guides to be effective companions at every stage of the faith journey – from making those initial connections to developing Grow Communities to encourage faith to flourish.
Our prayer is that through this model, and with the guidance of Faith Guides, many more children and young people will come to know and follow Jesus.
Play your Part
We'd love you to consider being a Faith Guide yourself or to inspire the right people in your church to take on that role, but we also need people to support this drive to reach the 95 through gifts and prayers. Here are a few ways you can be part of Revealing Jesus:
- Donate to help us coach and equip Faith Guides and fund the creation of resources
- Pray!
- Become a Faith Guide
Whatever part you can play, you will be making a real difference. Your support will ensure that many more children will get the opportunity to encounter Jesus and develop a life-long personal faith.
This short animation provides a quick overview of the way we see churches coming together in mission…
"Revealing Jesus is about helping churches to be there for the long run"
There are now nearly 500 Faith Guides within local churches across England and Wales, each committed to journeying with local children and young people from 'the 95' toward a personal, vibrant faith in Jesus.
Through the development of Grow Communities, Faith Guides are able to provide relevant and meaningful opportunities for the children and young people they're journeying with to meet regularly with their peers, worship, and grow together.
Just as Faith Guides commit to being there for the children they're journeying with for the long run, we are there for Faith Guides too – providing them with practical support and coaching from a Scripture Union Mission Enabler, as well as first-class resources and training materials to help them in their vital role.
Faith Guides
We’re not expecting the 95 to navigate this faith journey on their own and that’s where Faith Guides come in.
Could you be a Faith Guide? You don't need to be a trained children's or youth worker, although you might be, you just need to be mission-minded and with a heart to take on this much-needed role.
The four stages of the faith journey
Although each child and young person is different, our research and experience show us that most go through the same stages as they become and grow as a Christian: Connect, Explore, Respond and Grow.
We provide resources and practical support for Faith Guides, for all four of these stages.
> Find out more about the stages of the faith journey
FREE Mission Support
Unlock the full potential of your outreach to children and young people with FREE Mission Support from Scripture Union
With 95% of under-18s not in church, sharing Jesus with the younger generations is a real challenge. But we're here for you! We've got years of experience under our belts, and we're ready and waiting to inspire, equip and empower you in mission to non-church-going children and young people.
If becoming a Faith Guide feels like a step too far at the moment, don't worry, there is still support available. Whether you're just looking for inspiration and resources or you want full-on one-to-one practical support, we've got you covered!
Together we can reach the 95!
Revealing Jesus Videos
Faith for Gen-Z
The Revealing Jesus framework has been built on extensive experience of working with unchurched children and young people, as well as research into the faith journeys of the 95.
For many of Generation Z, traditional church just doesn't seem to be for them, or fit with their culture, so they don't stay part of it for long. But that doesn't mean they don't want to explore the difference that Jesus can make in their lives!
Pray with us
It is so important that we lift this all up in prayer. Please join us in praying for the 95, and for churches and Faith Guides who are already walking alongside them, as well as those Faith Guides yet to come! Pray that through many churches coming together in mission, many children and young people may come to know Jesus and develop a personal, vibrant faith in him.
If you would like daily prayer pointers to guide your prayers, subscribe for free to Connecting You, our supporter and prayer magazine, or use our online prayer diary.