Support us

Get involved

Scripture Union is a movement of passionate people all with the same vision and mission – to see a new generation of children and young people who have a vibrant, personal faith in Jesus!


But all that we do, is only possible because of the support and involvement of people, just like you!

With an estimated 95% of children in England and Wales not part of a church, we're working harder than ever to take the good news of Jesus beyond the church in exciting and culturally relevant ways.

Through a wide range of activities and initiatives, we provide opportunities for young people to explore the Bible, respond to Jesus and grow in faith. We also provide some great resources to help others do the same


Praying young woman

Power of prayer

One of our core values as a movement is prayer. You can read about our other core values here

We trust in the power of prayer, embedding it into everything we do and we invite you to pray for us, and with us.


Make a donation

As a charity, we rely on the support of financial donations. Your generous support will help us continue in our mission to provide opportunities for young people to explore the Bible, respond to Jesus and grow in faith today, and for generations to come.

Discover all the ways you can give to the work of Scripture Union.

£5 per month

A gift of £5 a month could help us reach even more children with the good news of Jesus.

£10 per month

A gift of £10 a month could help us reach even more children with the good news of Jesus.

£20 per month

A gift of £20 a month could help us reach even more children with the good news of Jesus.


A gift of £5 could help us reach even more children with the good news of Jesus.


A gift of £20 could help us reach the next generation with the good news of Jesus.


A gift of £50 could help children and young people hear the good news of Jesus.

Other ways you can get involved

Girl having ice poured on her back
Whether you're running an event or taking on a challenge to raise money for SU, we've got tips and advice to help
Volunteer - Criccieth - 2022
Volunteering with Scripture Union could be the most fun and rewarding thing you ever do.
Faith Guide and child
Faith Guides are volunteers who intentionally seek to walk with the 95 in their faith journeys as they take every opportunity to build authentic, meaningful, faith-based relationships with them. Could this be you?

Why support Scripture Union?

The Revealing Jesus mission framework
We believe that every child should have the chance to discover Jesus for themselves. Find out more about Scripture Union, our mission, vision and priority.
Faith Guide and youth
Discover more about how we can support you and your church in mission as together we create opportunities for children and young people to discover Jesus for themselves.
News and Stories slice (generic) FULL
Teenage girls on holiday - thumbs up

Discover what God is doing

God is continually on the move and we love sharing stories of what he is doing in the lives of children and young people across England and Wales.

Through volunteers, churches, Faith Guides, and Local and National Mission Partners; in schools, churches and local communities; thousands of opportunities are being created for children and young people to discover for themselves the difference that Jesus can make in their lives.

More ways to support SU

Find out how you can donate a Gift in Memory of someone you love to Scripture Union so that we can continue creating opportunities for children and young people to discover Jesus for themselves.
Happy child - Legacy Week
By leaving a gift in your Will to Scripture Union, you can enable us to continue sharing the good news of Jesus with the 95% of children and young people who are not in church for generations to come.
Money and Calculator
Did you know, Scripture Union can claim an extra 25p for every £1 you donate through Gift Aid, at no cost to yourself? Find out more about Gift Aid and complete your declaration today.

"God can bless you with everything you need, and you will always have more than enough to do all kinds of good things for others." 2 Corinthians 9:8 (CEV)

Revealing Jesus (CTA full width) girl skateboard
Revealing Jesus (girl skateboard)

The Revealing Jesus mission framework

With 95% of under-18s not in church, the task of reaching them is huge. But so too is the opportunity!

The Revealing Jesus mission framework is designed to help your church journey into faith with the 95. Find out how Scripture Union can support you on that journey. 

Connecting You - Subscribe (full width)
Connecting You magazine

Subscribe to Connecting You

Connecting You is Scripture Union's free supporter and prayer magazine, keeping you up to date with what God is doing through the SU movement. 

Available in print and online, in each edition you'll find:

  • Exciting stories, testimonies and updates
  • Ideas and resources for your ministry with children and young people
  • Daily prayer prompts

The 95 block

Together, we can reach the 95% of children and young people not in church

Get involved