Adults - arms linked

Mission Partners

We invest in relationships to advance mission opportunities, equipping and empowering each other in the kingdom.

Scripture Union is proud to work alongside, and support, other organisations who are equally committed to seeing a new generation of children and young people with their own vibrant, personal faith in Jesus.

Through bespoke agreements and memorandums of understanding, we work together with a united desire to see our vision and mission become a reality, as together we Reveal Jesus to the 95.

Established by individuals, small groups and churches, our Local Mission Partners access bespoke support from Scripture Union to enable them to respond to local needs and issues, while sharing the values and core identity of Scripture Union.
Scripture Union – Inviting children and young people to explore the difference Jesus can make to the challenges and adventures of life
In relationship, and through bespoke agreements, we love collaborating and working alongside other national organisations who reflect our vision, mission and priority.

"I can see the strength of Scripture Union and the work that they are doing to support, resource and encourage those schools workers and young people groups that are working on the ground. It is amazing to be part of something big that is having nationwide impact."
Paul Blakey MBE, Mission Partner Trustee

Want to know more?

Scripture Union is interdenominational and we are particularly keen to expand the range of churches and organisations that we work alongside and support.

If, like Scripture Union, you have a heart and desire to see Jesus' love shared with those who don't go to church and who don't know Jesus, SU can provide the practical help and expertise to see your vision come to life and we'd love to start a conversation with you.

Find out more by filling in the form below and our team will be in touch.

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The 95 block

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