
Prayers for December 24 - February 25

Thank you for joining us in praying for Scripture Union's work!

Week beginning November 24

This week's prayers relate to this article. Please pray for Faith Guides like Mel, and the Scripture Union Mission Enablers like Jenni, who support them.

Sunday 24
Give thanks to God for blessing Faith Guide Mel with the courage and opportunity to share Jesus with children not in church.

Monday 25
Please pray for God to give Mel clear guidance as she tests out new ways of building connections and relationships with both children and parents in her New Forest communities.

Tuesday 26
Praise God for SU Mission Enablers including Jenni Whymark and Revealing Jesus Pioneers including Eddie Howlett (see Revealing Christ to Cornish children) who provide such valuable support to Faith Guides working in a wide variety of contexts and with very different levels of mission experience.

Wednesday 27
Please pray for the children Mel is working with in the New Forest, that they will have a deep experience of God’s love, and that they will respond and grow in faith.

Thursday 28
Please pray for those children Mel is working with who have come to faith, for their parents to be supportive of their decision to follow Jesus. Ask God to enable their faith to grow and mature as they move up to secondary school.

Friday 29
Give thanks for the way in which SU Mission Enablers are helping to connect Faith Guides together into supportive networks, so that they can share their experiences and spur one another on.

Saturday 30
As new opportunities to share Jesus with the next generation open up in the New Forest, please ask God to bless Mel with more volunteers to help her.

Week beginning December 1

Sunday 1 
Pray that as they enjoy adventures in remote wilderness areas of Aotearoa New Zealand, the leaders and 48 young people on the 11-day E3 expeditions in December will make connections with each other, appreciate creation and, above all, their relationship with God will be strengthened. 

Monday 2
Pray for the team who have just started at SU Mission Partner Ice in Exeter – Sally Naylor, Doug Owen and Jess Warner. Praise God for the annual Narnia event for primary schools reaching 400 pupils. Pray for the team as they prepare Christmas assemblies and videos for primary and secondary schools. 

Tuesday 3 
Please pray for Mission Enabler Toby Chant in his work with the Benefice of Dartmouth and Dittisham. He is supporting team members in this new Faith Guide church as they seek to make connections with young people, children and families during Advent and the Christmas period. 

Wednesday 4 
Bookings open for 2025 SU holidays this month. Pray that a good number of returning guests and new children Prayers and young people will register so that they can have a great holiday with lots of fun and learn more about Jesus. 

Thursday 5
Pray for all the children who will receive copies of The Grumpy Owl and the Joy of Christmas this year. Ask God to help them discover the real meaning of Christmas as they read it. 

Friday 6 
Pray for Mission Partner LightSpace Ministries in Grantham. After saying goodbye to Jennie Fytche, the Schools Worker in post for six years who did an incredible job, they are seeking God for the direction he wants to take them this year to support the local schools. 

Saturday 7 
Pray for Content Assistant Jill Warren as she works on Daily Bread for October–December 2025, and as she builds relationships with new team members in the Development Hub.

Week beginning December 8

Sunday 8
Pray that the seven-day Emerging Leaders conference planned by Scripture Union Fiji this month on the theme ‘Just Like Jesus’ will empower and inspire each of the 300 plus young leaders from around the Pacific who will attend.

Monday 9
Pray for the SU Cymru team, Rhian (new team leader), Jack, Keefe and Sian as they support churches, Faith Guides and Local Mission Partners. Give thanks for all the money raised through Keefe’s fundraising bike challenge to support the work of SU Cymru.

Tuesday 10
Please pray for Rob Steward as he leads the SU North team, asking that he will have an awareness of God’s continued leading as he seeks to make new connections and forge new partnerships to enable a growth in ministry, so that more of the 95 can discover God’s love for themselves.

Wednesday 11
In 2023, 5.5% of 11- to 16-years-olds said they often or always felt lonely. Prayers Pray for God to place good friends and strong connections in their lives.

Thursday 12
Give thanks for our supporters. Many have given for a considerable time and have a rich history with SU and a passion for reaching a new generation of children and young people. Pray that as they bless us, so God will bless and encourage them

Friday 13
Mission Partner Soul Children run exciting choirs to connect with children (see page 16). Pray for their Christmas performances, that the choirs will grow and that individual choir members will meet Jesus for themselves.

Saturday 14
Database Officer Meri Suokas asks us to pray for wisdom in improving the SU database and in streamlining processes to improve the digital experience for both staff and supporters. Pray for discernment about priorities and managing available resources. Pray too for good relationships with external suppliers.

Week beginning December 15

Sunday 15
SU Serbia give thanks for the encouragement brought by their young volunteers who were once participants in the camps and are now stepping up to serve the next generation. Pray that they will be open to learning and growing in ministry during the activities and training organised over the coming months and that their enthusiasm and dedication will inspire others.

Monday 16
Pray for the SU staff team in the north as they support many Faith Guides who are taking the Christmas message into schools. Pray for the trial of new ideas that will allow the pupils to explore at lunchtime a Bible story that they have heard in an assembly earlier in the day.

Tuesday 17
Pray for Mission Partner Graceworks in Romford as their worker Bradley moves on after six years with the trust. Pray for new staff member Dupsy as she joins the team.

Wednesday 18
Pray that Technical Services Assistant James Gregg will have wisdom in making decisions around ever-changing IT security in a world where new threats emerge and have to be countered. Pray for continued protection over Scripture Union’s IT.

Thursday 19
Pray that the staff in the Mission Events team, the event leaders, and all our volunteers will have a good rest and receive spiritual refreshment over the Christmas break in preparation for another year of service with SU.

Friday 20
In giving thanks for a wonderful Finance team, Assistant Accountant Alicia Wallace asks us to pray that, as they face challenges in what can be a pressured environment, their contributions would make the lives of those they serve easier, helping the movement to use the resources God gives wisely.

Saturday 21
Earlier this year, we changed our warehousing and distribution supplier for our printed products. Thank God for positive working relationships with the new company and pray that smooth working relationships and operations will continue.

Week beginning December 22

Sunday 22
Pray that the Praise Camp taking place between Christmas and New Year in Basel and in which SU Switzerland is participating will be transforming for the 5,000 young people present as they meet with God.

Monday 23
Please pray for Mission Partner The Bus Stop as they continue to develop their activities to help churches in the Diocese of York who don’t yet have youthwork to ‘jump-start’ their work with children and young people.

Tuesday 24
Give thanks for the progress over the last few months as our Digital and Development Hub teams have worked together to create a new resources area on the website. Pray that, as hoped, it will open up the Revealing Jesus framework in fresh new ways, showcasing the resources that are available.

Wednesday 25
As we celebrate the coming of Jesus today, pray for all those children and young people who have yet to experience the wonder of God stepping into our world to show his love and bring hope. Pray that churches will have fresh vision to share that good news with the 95.

Thursday 26
Give thanks for the Mobilisation team who have worked hard all year to ensure that there is good communication with our supporters and volunteers and that they all feel valued. Pray that as they take a break over Christmas, they will gain fresh energy and vision for a fruitful year ahead.

Friday 27
Over 20% of 8–16s in the UK suffer with their mental health and most commonly anxiety. Pray for wisdom as we continue to journey with children and young people in the daily reality of this, and as we create space for them to meet Jesus in the midst of their challenges.

Saturday 28
Please pray for our National Director Dave Newton, as he looks ahead to 2025 and all the potential it holds. Pray for wisdom, vision and clarity in this next season as we seek to extend our mission to reach the 95.

Week beginning December 29

Sunday 29
Pray for the Regional Workers of SU Scotland as they set up Local Ministry Hubs for each of the high schools and primary schools across Scotland, gathering local Christians to pray for schools and explore ways in which they can serve them.

Monday 30
A few months ago, the South West team took 24 hours away to pray, plan and give thanks for all the work they are supporting in the south west (which is seeing young lives changed as a direct result of their support of Faith Guides). Join the team in giving thanks for God’s guidance and what they see him doing.

Tuesday 31
Mission Enabler Jenni Whymark has moved from the south east region to the central region. Pray that she will quickly make new connections and that she will have wisdom in knowing which doors to push.

Wednesday 1
Pray for Chris Clark, village worker for Mission Partner Coniston Christian Fellowship. Ask for God’s help as he seeks to share the good news of Jesus through clubs, schools work, and community involvement, working alongside the Parish Council to support warm spaces and to respond to the needs of villagers.

Thursday 2
Pray that as the new Revealing Jesus resource centre goes live on our website, it will result in many more people benefiting from our resources and framework as they aim to help the 95 meet Jesus.

Friday 3
Pray for Gemma Willis in her role as Head of Development Hub. Ask God to help her navigate the changes in the team during a time in which many systems are also changing.

Saturday 4
Mission Partner The Sports Factory uses sport and fitness as a way of introducing people to Jesus. Pray that this ministry will grow and develop across Norfolk and beyond. Pray too for the team as they take a group they have been working with to Centre Parcs this January for sports activities and to look at who Jesus is.

Week beginning January 5

Sunday 5
Pray that God will prosper the Bible engagement programme planned by SU Tanzania to reach primary and secondary schools in two of the country’s regions – Manyara and Arusha.

Monday 6
Jim Winning leads the Supporter Care team as they seek to serve all of Scripture Union’s supporters. Pray for Jim and the team as they learn new processes and adapt to changes following the appointment of new distributors for our printed resources.

Tuesday 7
Applications for SU holiday and mission volunteers open this month. Last year there were over 1,200 volunteers giving up time (and sleep!) to serve children and young people. Pray for people considering serving this summer. Pray that the right people will come forward.

Wednesday 8
Pray for SU’s Finance Controller, Craig Macpherson. Ask for wisdom as his team develops the systems to allow managers to have the best available financial information to hand, enabling them to effectively plan for future ministry and ensure good stewardship of our resources. 

Thursday 9
Pray for Mission Partner Great Open Door in Harlow as they start rehearsals for a new 40-minute programme in schools. Please pray for script development, robust props, suitable costumes and line learning. Pray that each delivery will shine with God’s love so that every child will respond positively.

Friday 10
As we enter another year, pray that our Bible reading guides will continue to serve readers. Ask that through them, readers will gain new insights and find daily comfort and challenge, growing in their relationship with God and serving him effectively.

Saturday 11
Pete Croall is the Mission Enabler for Berkshire, Essex and Hertfordshire. Please pray that his connections with Faith Guides will strengthen, so that he can continue to provide effective support to them as they reach out to children and young people.

Week beginning January 12

This week's prayers relate to this article. Please pray for Faith Guide Rachel, Chip Kendall and the children who are drawing closer to God through Soul Children community choirs.

Sunday 12
Give thanks to God for the wonderful gift of music and the way in which it can bring people of all ages together so well!

Monday 13
Praise God for inspiring the development of Soul Children in Norway, and for enabling Chip Kendall to bring the concept to the UK.

Tuesday 14
Give thanks to God for the wonderful way in which Soul Children songs – both music and lyrics – are proving to reveal Jesus to children, particularly those without church backgrounds.

Wednesday 15
Please pray for the children in the Buckshaw Village Church Soul Children choir, that they will continue to enjoy taking part in practices and performances and grow in their understanding of God

Thursday 16
Ask God to bless Rachel and Chip Kendall as they seek to encourage more churches across the country to start up Soul Children choirs.

Friday 17
Give thanks to God for the incredible variety of ways he is using to connect Faith Guides with children and young people including music, drama, arts, Rooted cards, sports and gaming!

Saturday 18
Please pray that children with busy lives will have more opportunities and spaces to be able to connect through creative arts with the God who loves them.

Week beginning January 19

Sunday 19
Pray for SU USA as it changes its contact management system asking for a smooth implementation. Pray too for the possibility of collaborating with Valley Forge University on expanding the use of their property.

Monday 20
Pray for the staff team in the south east as they work with Faith Guides to build on the missional opportunities that came over Christmas. Pray that more churches will use those seasonal opportunities to spark intentional relationships with the 95 which will lead them on a journey to faith in Jesus.

Tuesday 21
Pray for Chloe Shivraj, SU’s Safeguarding Manager, as she nurtures and develops a safeguarding culture within the movement. Pray that policies will come to life, high-quality training will be delivered and a kingdom mindset will continue to develop towards those children and young people we serve.

Wednesday 22
The Scripture Union Retirees Network provides opportunities for fellowship for retired members of staff and volunteers. Pray for the networks’ management group as Prayers they plan a day in May for former members of staff and volunteers to meet, hear news of SU’s ministry and pray together.

Thursday 23
Join Tracy Jassal, Support Worker for the team in the south west, in giving thanks for the continuing development of relationships between herself, the staff team and their Mission Partners. Please pray for new connections to be made, as she endeavours to assist potential new Mission Partners who are wanting to reach out to the 95.

Friday 24
Pray for Jordan Cousins as he takes over from Jenni Whymark as Mission Enabler in the south east. Pray that he will quickly build the relationships with fellow team members, Mission Partners and Faith Guides needed to serve effectively.

Saturday 25
Pray for Mission Partner Hunsley Christian Youth Trust at the start of the new term. Pray especially for their new assistant worker Michael as he settles into his role with the trust.

Week beginning January 26

Sunday 26
SU Laos gives thanks for the recent youth leader retreat. Pray that, as training on effective Bible reading ministry and leadership principles continues, these youth leaders will grow in their ability to lead others and to serve as strong examples of faith.

Monday 27
A revised edition of It’s Your Move, the guide for children moving to secondary school, is published this month. Pray for churches and groups who give this out in their local schools and communities, that they will find ways of sharing Jesus’ love as they distribute the book.

Tuesday 28
Pray that SU’s Young Leaders Enabler, Rachel Blake, will have wisdom as she seeks to widen the reach of the young leaders’ development programme. Give thanks for the many young people who come back, and pray we can encourage more young people to come as young leaders.

Wednesday 29
Sadly, the threats to our systems and data are real and it becomes ever more difficult to protect ourselves. Prayers It’s a core part of the Digital Solution Team’s work that they make new and existing systems as secure as possible. Pray that the team will remain vigilant and focused.

Thursday 30
Pray for Mission Partner Cynllun Efe. Ask for God to bless their work with children, young people and families, mainly within the catchment area of the Gwyrfai and Peris valleys and the surrounding areas in the county of Gwynedd, north Wales.

Friday 31
The central region has links with SU Hungary and organise teams to share with SU Hungary in the Frontline Hungary Summer Camps during July. At these camps, young Hungarians come to improve their English skills and to learn about Jesus. Pray that volunteers will come forward for the English team.

Saturday 1
Supporter Care Assistant John Cartwright asks us to pray that the final moves to integrate our technical systems with our new warehouse supplier will be completed quickly and smoothly. Pray that this will lead to faster delivery of orders and subscriptions.

Week beginning February 2

Sunday 2
Give thanks for the first camp with deaf children, organised by SU South Africa and led by Phumi, staff worker with deaf children and young people. Pray for the growth and success of this ministry.

Monday 3
Mission Partner The Pimlico Foundation is looking for a full-time youth worker. Please pray that they will be successful in recruiting the right person to enable the charity’s work to continue to grow and develop. Pray too for their new community outreach projects.

Tuesday 4
The Digital Solutions team provides appropriate technology to support our Revealing Jesus strategy, including websites, cloud services and other IT. Pray for Technical Services Manager Ian Gooding as he plays his part in keeping our infrastructure secure and cost effective while meeting the needs of staff, supporters and users.

Wednesday 5
Pray that the training workshops for holiday and mission teams taking place this month will equip team members to plan events which will be fun, safe and effective in introducing children and young people to Jesus.

Thursday 6
Thank God for the administration staff who work quietly and efficiently behind the scenes in the Development Hub, ensuring that SU’s resources are produced to high standards and on time.

Friday 7
Pray for the Scripture Union Board of trustees as they meet today, giving thought to the budget for the next financial year. Pray for wisdom and that they will have a clear understanding of God’s priorities for the mission of the movement at this time.

Saturday 8
Pray for Mission Partner Impact Schools’ three part-time workers – Darren Mayor, Huw Ellis and Cara Garton – as they go into 30 primary and 3 high schools in North Powys doing assemblies. Pray that the Christian message will be thought-provoking and well received.

Week beginning February 9

Sunday 9
Give thanks that more children have attended the SU Ghana camps this year than ever before and pray that each child who attended will continue to know God’s love. Pray too for the provision of sites for future camps – an increasing challenge – and for funding to develop a multipurpose hall as part of the first phase of their campsite project.

Monday 10
Pray that as Ruth Anderson, Sports and Faith Hub Coordinator, looks to complete the Half Time sports resource she may know God’s inspiration and help and will be able to produce a resource that helps grow the kingdom of God among the 95.

Tuesday 11
Around 30 per cent of all children in the UK are living in relative poverty. Pray for the local church as many of them continue to meet the practical needs of these children and families in their communities. Pray for discernment and creativity as we also seek to reveal Jesus to these children in a relevant way.

Wednesday 12
Pray that more volunteers will be called to start their journey as Faith Guides in Wales this year. Pray for wisdom for all the SU Cymru staff in Prayers knowing how to manage their time working with others and as they look for effective ways to reach children and young people for Jesus in Wales.

Thursday 13
Pray for Mission Partner Hope Pembrokeshire as they work with children, young people and families. Pray for them as they organise outreach clubs, activities and events for different ages, meeting the needs of the local community.

Friday 14
Pray for Mission Events Coordinator Heidi Beckham as she finalises the accounts for last year’s missions, so that budgets can be prepared for this year (a key part of ensuring good stewardship and proper accountability).

Saturday 15
Pray for Rooted junior lesson workshops that are rolling out across primary schools in the north. Pray that as children explore their spiritual journey at their own pace they will meet with Jesus

Week beginning February 16

Sunday 16
Pray that new programmes initiated by SU Taiwan including the Little Master of Golden Verses and the Children’s Bible animations will continue to inspire parents, children and church groups to engage with God’s Word.

Monday 17
Pray for Paul Folland in his early days as Head of Mission Events Operations. Pray that he will be able to support the smooth running of the missions and holidays programme, giving children and young people fantastic opportunities to connect with Jesus.

Tuesday 18
Thank God for the way in which he continues to meet our financial needs and for the supporters who give so generously. Pray that God will provide the funds to enable the ministry to grow so that more of the 95 can hear the good news of Jesus.

Wednesday 19
Please pray for Mission Partner Southampton City Mission’s first day conference on 1 March at Above Bar Church in Southampton. As a City Mission they are very excited to be able to bring teaching, training, discussion and equipping to those working with children, young people and adults.

Thursday 20
Pray for the many millions of children in England and Wales who don’t go to church, and don’t yet know Jesus. Pray that churches will be inspired, equipped and empowered to step out and reveal Jesus to them effectively, relationally and impactfully, right where they are.

Friday 21
As work starts on the first issue of the 2026 Bible reading guides, pray for all who are involved in their production. Pray that although the work is being done many months ahead, writers and editors will be able to apply Scripture to the needs and context of readers.

Saturday 22
Please pray for Rhian Evans who has been settling into her new role as National Mission Co-ordinator for Wales since October. Pray for wisdom and guidance as she leads the Scripture Union Cymru team and works to develop SU’s mission in Wales along with local mission partners.

The 95 block

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