Barry Island, climbing wall, sign, beach

What's ocurrin' Barry?

Story type:
  • Wales

When you hear someone talking about the town of Barry in Wales, your mind might drift to a certain comedy sitcom that was based there about 10 years ago! Nothing wrong with that but we'd like to share some exciting stories from Matt Lewis and Mike Adams when they went to work at an outreach event with some churches in the town

cage, mission, schools, sports

Over the Friday and Saturday of the event Matt and Mike, along with volunteers from the churches, ran the ‘Sports Cage’ and ‘Guardians of Ancora’ app as part of the outreach. They had around 60 children and young people come and play games in the cage, and they had the opportunity to explain the gospel, through the ‘Four Points’ wristbands, to each of them!

One boy, who had already been in the cage and had one of the ‘Four Points’ wristbands and the little explanation of the gospel, was queuing to go back in again. His friend came to join the queue. Whilst they were waiting the first boy turned to his friend and explained what was happening in the cage and what the wristband meant. He had remembered every word and was telling his friend the gospel! Brilliant!

Guardians, poster, club

The ‘Guardians of Ancora’ app saw between 40 – 50 children come and play and some great conversations with parents whilst the children played. Most parents and children said on leaving: “we’ll download it when we get home!”

We can not wait to go back to Barry this summer holiday, from the 30th of July to the 3rd of August, to help run a new mission on the beach.


  • English
  • Topic:
    • Sport
    • Outreach

    The 95 block

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