Boy and cross at Lifepath


Lifepath helps Christians in local communities organise an event to which they can invite local schools

What is Lifepath?

Lifepath aims to give junior school pupils the opportunity to explore the Christian faith through the 'life path' of a well known historic Christian with a link to the location, and to use this as a springboard to encourage them to reflect on their own 'life path'.

All shapes and sizes

Lifepath events come in all shapes and sizes – large events for hundreds of children spread over several days, through to smaller events that just take place on one day. These events can:

  • happen in term time during the school day with teachers present
  • work in indoor or outdoor venues
  • take a story from any century
  • last for as many days as there are schools wanting to attend
  • happen at any point in the school year. 
Children gardening workshop Lifepath

For schools

For schools, Lifepath

  • is appropriate for pupils of all faiths or none
  • is a day trip with special emphasis on RE or spiritual development
  • provides an opportunity to learn outside the classroom
  • is educationally valid, tying in with the national curriculum
  • fits within one school day.

For churches

For churches, Lifepath

  • is a great way for churches to work together on a larger project
  • is a great way to link in to the life of local schools
  • can provide opportunities for volunteers who may not be able to get involved in other church activities.
Children and team at Lifepath

Lifepath around the country

Lifepath currently takes place all over the country and will look different in every location – from exploring the life of the northern saints at Brinkburn Priory in rural north Northumberland to discovering the life and faith of John Wesley in urban Lancashire.

However, there will always some consistent elements to the programme wherever it takes place:

  • A commitment to the core values and ethos of Lifepath – its educational validity in the context of a spiritual event based on the under lying theme of journey.
  • A pre-Lifepath assembly or visit to introduce schools to the concept.
  • An event that is professionally run on a sound financial basis with adequate public liability insurance in place and a team that is appropriately vetted and trained.
  • A standard format to the day, which includes four streams of workshops and opening and closing times together with elements of collective worship
  • A commitment to small groups led by volunteer group leaders.
  • A commitment to follow up, which could be delivered in a range of ways.

"I can't put into words what a wonderful experience it is and how privileged I feel to be a part of Lifepath" a volunteer

Lifepath workshop

What next?

If you are interested in knowing how you could set up and run a Lifepath event in your area, we would love to discuss this with you. We can help you think through the next steps, who to approach and many other practicalities. 

Just get in touch with us using the form below.

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