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Day of Prayer

Each year we set aside a day to pray for the work of Scripture Union in England and Wales. Wherever you are and however much time you have, we'd love you to get involved!

Praying for the work of Scripture Union

Our annual Day of Prayer allows us a day to dedicate time to thank God for what's been, and pray into what's to come.

Since we launched the Revealing Jesus mission framework in 2020, we have much to celebrate, and even more to bring to God for the years ahead!

This year we'll be taking time out as a movement to pray together on Wednesday 27th November. We'd love you to follow along and pray with us throughout the day.

We're creating a downloadable prayer guide to be used across the day to guide your thoughts and prayers, whether you wish to pray alone or gather with others, we'll upload this a little closer to the time.

Mission Support (full width)
Mission Support

Get your FREE Mission Support

Unlock the full potential of your outreach to children and young people with FREE Mission Support from Scripture Union

With 95% of under-18s not in church, sharing Jesus with the younger generations is a real challenge. But we're here for you! We've got years of experience under our belts, and we're ready and waiting to inspire, equip and empower you in mission to non-church-going children and young people.

So whether you're just looking for inspiration and resources or you want full-on one-to-one practical support, we've got you covered!

Together we can reach the 95!

The 95 block

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