Connecting You – Scripture Union's supporter and prayer magazine

Connecting You magazine

Connecting You is Scripture Union's free supporter and prayer magazine, keeping you up to date with what God is doing through the SU movement. 

In each edition you'll find:

  • Exciting stories, testimonies and updates
  • Ideas and resources for your ministry with children and young people
  • Daily prayer prompts

**Scroll down to find the brand new Scripture Union glossary. Discover what all of the terms you've seen used time and time again in Connecting You actually mean.**

Subscribe to Connecting You for free

Current Connecting You stories

Carolyn Terry
Faith Guide and youth worker Carolyn Terry had been working with church children in a village setting. So, when God called her to a Southampton inner city estate to share Jesus with young people who knew nothing of him, it was a culture shock! And she certainly never expected to encounter such a spiritual hunger.
So, What Next?
Getting to grips with what it means to be a Christian can be a challenge for any young person and particularly those with no church background. Through your support, SU has collaborated with New Wine’s Luminosity youth team to create a new resource called So, What Next? to help young people after they’ve responded to Jesus.
Eleanor - Young Leader
Last year, we were blessed to have over 180 young Christians help on our holidays and events. Through your support, we’ve now launched a new development programme to help grow their confidence and even become the church leaders of tomorrow.
Boy having fun online
In partnership with Liverpool Hope University, SU’s Sarah Davison has been researching a hybrid approach to mission, looking into what influences non-Christian young people (aged 7-15) and how they’d seek out information about faith.
SU Glossary

The Scripture Union glossary

We have such limited space in the physical Connecting You magazine, and it's often hard to find room to expand on terms we use regularly. So, we've launched the brand new Scripture Union Glossary! If you've ever wondered what a Faith Guide is or thought, 'Who are the 95?', we've got the answers! Click through to find out more about some of our most used words and phrases. 

If you'd prefer to read the stories and prayers in magazine format, you can read the current interactive edition above or download a PDF copy. Alternatively, scroll up to subscribe to Connecting You and have the magazine posted to you for free each quarter.

Praying young woman

Use Connecting You to help you pray

To help fuel your prayers for Scripture Union and the children and young people impacted by our work, Connecting You features a prayer pointer for every day of the year.

The 95 block

Together, we can reach the 95% of children and young people not in church

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