Worship - RJ conference 2021

Local Mission Partners

Scripture Union is proud to work alongside, and support, local groups who are committed to being an expression of Scripture Union in their area.

Better together

Established by individuals, small groups and churches, Local Mission Partners access bespoke support from Scripture Union to enable them to respond to local needs and issues, while sharing the values and core identity of Scripture Union. 

We work alongside, and support, organisations that are ready to embrace growth and development from the benefits that the Mission Partnership Scheme can offer. Whether an existing children / youth project, school's work, detached youth work, a new charity start-up, or a new project launch, we love to advance mission with organisations who echo our passion, regardless of denomination.

No matter where they are based in England and Wales, all of our Misison Partners are committed to reaching children and young people with the good news of Jesus and reflect our vision, mission and priority.

Take a look at our current Local Mission Partners below.

Local Mission Partners in the North

We work in partnership with churches, local schools and colleges to tackle many of the social challenges that young people and children face.
Blackpool Schools & Youth Work
BSYW is an interdenominational Christian charity working in local schools across Blackpool, Fylde and Wyre taking assemblies, lessons, clubs and workshops.
Christian Links in Keighley Schools
CLiKS works with local primary and secondary schools, sharing God's love and supporting them in the most appropriate ways for each school.
Christians in Calderdale Schools is a charity ​which exists to support and serve Calderdale schools.
Doncaster School’s Work Trust
Doncaster School’s Work Trust works with schools throughout Doncaster.
Farne Churches Youth And Family Outreach
Farne Churches are an ecumenical group situated on the North Northumberland coast. FCYAFO employ a youth and family worker to work with churches and schools across the area from Belford to Craster.
Hunsley Christian Youth Trust
Our ministry focuses on working in schools to provide support to Christian Unions; helping students making the transition from Primary to Secondary; and providing lunchtime activities along with a range of other schools work.
Ignite logo
Contagious volunteers work in schools in Alnwick and in conjunction with local Churches. Holiday clubs, residential holidays and street work also feature in the calendar.
Mustard Tree Trust
The Mustard Tree Trust are a Christian charity with an emphasis on children and young people.
Schools Christian Worker Project
SCWP represents the churches in Oswestry and Ellesmere district in local schools.
 Southport & Area Schools Worker Trust
The Southport & Area Schools Worker Trust helps local schools through assemblies, lessons, presentations and extra-curricular clubs and activities.
The Bus Stop
Based in York & Scarborough, we help local churches provide excellent youth work
York Schools and Youth Trust
YoYo seeks to work with York schools and churches to bring the Christian faith alive.

Local Mission Partners in the Central Region

St Neots lmp
ACTIOS equips the Christian community in the St Neots area to serve local schools.
Archway Trust
Archway Trust works to share the good news of Jesus with children and families in the five villages of Ashton, Roade, Collingtree, Courteenhall and Hartwell in Northamptonshire.
Bridgebuilder is a Christian schools work charity that has been supporting schools in Milton Keynes for over 25 years.
Future Vision Logo
Future Vision is a support base for taking the message of Jesus into local schools in the district of Sudbury.
GenR8 Logo
GenR8 runs events and activities for children in partnership with local churches, primary schools and other organisations.
Bedford trust 2020 logo
IMPACT is the working title of Bedford Area Schools Christian Support Trust. BASCST offer support to schools in the Bedford area with the aim to help teachers, school children and young people learn more about the Christian faith.
LightSpace work in local primary schools leading assemblies, lunchtime clubs and RE lessons. The aim is to bring knowledge of the Bible to as many local children as possible, showing how the Bible relates to everyday life.
The Youth Net
The Youth Net is a Stafford based charity which exists to support and resource churches in the delivery of children’s, youth and schools work. The Youth Net also support and resource schools in the delivery of an excellent RE and SMSC curriculum.
Thrive Logo
Thrive Youth Ministries was formed in November 2011 to help churches be more effective in reaching out to young people and discipling them in the Christian faith.

Local Mission Partners in the South East

Brentwood Schools trust
Formed in 1991, the Brentwood Schools Christian Worker Trust (BSCWT) serve school communities by providing Christian learning and support through their team of staff and volunteers in primary and secondary schools in Brentwood.
Christian Connections in Schools
Christian Connections in Schools supports, enables and develops Christian work in schools in the area of Slough, Windsor and Maidenhead, through assemblies, supporting Christian groups as well as large scale events and residential trips.
Christian Initiative to Schools
We are committed to helping local school children explore the relevance of Christianity in their lives.
Christian Outreach in Newbury Schools
Giving children and young people in Newbury schools the opportunity to hear and respond to the good news of Jesus.
Christian Schools Work Hastings
We work to serve the primary and secondary schools within Hastings and St Leonards with assemblies/acts of collective worship, RE and citizenship lessons, lunch-time and after-school clubs, Year 6 transition and prayer spaces.
Engage support a Christian presence in primary and secondary schools in and around Woking.
Faith in Schools Newham
Faith in Schools delivers high quality learning about the Christian faith in Newham through informative and engaging lessons.
Fleet And Crookham Churches Together in Schools
FACCTS deliver a wide range of educational and pastoral activities which include lunch-time clubs, Christian Unions as well as infant and junior school assemblies.
Graceworks Trust
Graceworks seeks to reach out to young people and children within schools in the London Borough of Havering, sharing something of God's love.
Great Open Door logo
Supporting schools in making Religious Education stimulating & thought provoking
The Lighthouse Project
The Lighthouse Project is here to serve the schools of Crawley whilst sharing the Christian faith and values.
The Pimlico Foundation
The Pimlico Foundation aims to create positive futures for young people living in Pimlico, London from disadvantaged backgrounds.
Reach currently serve schools in a variety of ways through assemblies, RE and SRE lessons, clubs and Christian groups, transition work for Year 6 students, Fairtrade stalls as well as coffee and cake for staff at break time!
Re:generation Harrow
Re:generation is a charitable trust that has been working in local primary and secondary schools across Harrow since 1984.
Stort Valley Schools Trust
We are able to provide input from a Christian perspective to complement and supplement the RE, PSHE and humanities syllabus in schools.

Local Mission Partners in the South West

BYP exists to share the Lord Jesus with the young people of Bodmin and its surround-ing area.
 Synergy Christian Trust
Working with schools and churches to explore and share the Christian message.
 The Wave Youth & Children's Ministry
Wave Kids exists to support children and families in Swanage through clubs, parent and toddler groups, music groups and work in schools.

Local Mission Partners in Wales

Christians for Education (C4E) aims to support the work of schools and colleges in the Prestatyn to Rhos-on-Sea area through the local church community.
 Cynllun Efe
Cynllun Efe (His Plan) was established in order to present the message of the gospel of Jesus Christ to young people in the villages in and around Llanberis.
Gobaith Môn
Gobaith Môn aims to gather Christians from all denominations to bring hope to the youth in Anglesey by encouraging and developing youth work in schools, churches and communities and by valuing each young person, by being inclusive in community and to encourage the local church.
Hope For the Valleys / Gobaith i'r Cymoedd is a Christian organisation based within the Heads of the Valleys area of Wales. A number of local churches set up the charity and its mission of sharing the gospel message of Jesus Christ with the people of the valleys. We seek to engage with young people and their families.
Impact Schools Wales
The Impact Schools Team is a Christian based charity aiming to promote Christian values in and around the local schools.
Trobwynt logo
Trobwynt shares the Christian faith with youth by serving young people, schools and families through partnership with the local churches.

Benefits of working together

SU sees the work of Local Mission Partners as an integral part of what we do. Through the establishing of an agreed Memorandum of Understanding, the Mission Partnership Scheme enables local trusts to be part of a national and international children’s and youth ministry, and make their impact greater! Local Mission Partners enjoy a wide range of benefits including:

•    Support and advice from experienced SU staff
•    Access to resources and research 
•    Mentoring, training and support for workers and trustees
•    Policies and good practice guidelines (including employment)
•    Use of the SU name and corporate image

“It can feel a huge task to be setting up a charity but from the outset SU gave us that support, advice and wisdom that we needed so that we could do it.”
Mission Partner Trustee

Job opportunities with Mission Partners

Browse the latest job vacancies with our Mission Partners.

central team

Meet your Local Team

Our local teams are based around England and Wales and are passionate about seeing children and young people encounter Jesus in fun, real and relevant ways.

With a heart for supporting and empowering Mission Partners and the local church to take the good news of Jesus out to the 95, our Mission Enablers have years of experience and expertise to equip and support you right where YOU are, so that together we can reach the 95, right where THEY are.

Want to know more?

We invest in relationships to advance mission opportunities, equipping and empowering each other in the kingdom. 

With a common heart to see children and young people come to discover Jesus for themselves, we also work alongside and support organisations at a national level.

The 95 block

Together, we can reach the 95% of children and young people not in church

Get involved