Shine in schools

Secondary school students shine for Jesus

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Often young Christians are keen to share their faith but don’t know where to begin. That’s why SU has helped to develop Shine*. Run over three weeks, Shine has short videos, discussion ideas and activities that make it fun and simple for young people to explore and share their faith with their peers. Through your support, Shine will run in secondary schools across England and Wales this November.


Eighteen-year-old Laura co-leads a Christian group at a Newcastle school. She says, ‘For years, we’d talked about doing some sort of event to share our faith with other students, but we weren’t really sure where to begin. 

‘Geoff Brown (SU North) visited us and told us about Shine – it sounded really good. We went on the website and answered a few questions about our group (ours is quite big, we have 20 members aged 11-18: some are Christian, and some aren’t). Then the website showed us which version of Shine would work best for us.

‘The programme is three weeks long. For the first two weeks, you watch videos on the website and discuss them. Meantime you’re planning an activity for the third week where you share your faith with other students (there are ideas on the Shine website or you can do your own). We did “Grill a Christian” – Geoff came in and we asked him difficult questions like “why is there suffering?” We all enjoyed it and learned a lot. 

‘Since doing Shine I find it much easier to share my faith with my friends.’

Help your local secondary school 'Shine'!

‘Fearless’ is the theme for this year’s Shine programme. Young people have many fears – will people like them, what if they fail, how will their friends react if they share their faith? Shine will explore how Jesus helps us overcome our fears instead of letting them define us.

"Since doing Shine I find it much easier to share my faith with my friends"

*Shine has been developed by SU in Northern Ireland, Scotland, Ireland, England and Wales, and Crown Jesus Ministries and Logos Ministries International.


Take part in Shine

If you know a young person who might want their school Christian group to take part in Shine, tell them to register on the website While most groups hold Shine in November, it can be run at another time if more convenient.

Read more Connecting You stories

This story features in the Autumn edition of our supporter and prayer magazine, Connecting You. Read more Connecting You stories here.


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  • Schools clubs & groups

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