Covering the whole of Wales, from the Vale of Glamorgan to Pembrokeshire, to the Isle of Anglesey and everywhere in between, come and meet our Wales Team.
John Settatree
National Mission Co-ordinator for Wales
John leads the Scripture Union Cymru team and works to develop and grow SU's mission in Wales along with local mission partners. He develops Welsh language resources, including Arwyr Ancora, our Welsh language version of Guardians of Ancora, and is a fluent, second-language Welsh speaker.
Jack Newbould
Mission Enabler
Jack's work as a Mission Enabler covers South Wales. Originally from North Wales, he has lived in Carmarthenshire for three years and is a fluent Welsh speaker.
Keefe Owen
Mission Enabler
Keefe is the Mission Enabler for North and Mid Wales. He was born in Wales, loves adventures in the Welsh countryside and is a committed Welsh language learner.
Sian Ifan
Support Worker
Sian is from West Wales and is a first language Welsh speaker. She is the National Support Worker for the Wales Team.
How can we help you?
Your local team offer training opportunities and support, along with a wealth of expertise, to make sure that you are equipped and championed as you reach the 95 in your area.
We created the Revealing Jesus mission framework as a flexible framework that can be uniquely adapted to help make mission manageable for you and your church, whatever your context! With access to incredible resources as well as one-to-one support from your local Mission Enabler, we're here for the long-haul. We're ready to be there for you as you walk alongside the 95 in their faith journey.
Local Mission Partners
We believe that 'together' really is better and, along with churches and individuals, we also have Local Mission Partners. Find out more about them, and what they do here!
Volunteer at an event in Wales
Here at Scripture Union we love that we get to work with thousands of volunteers all over England and Wales!
If you're interested in volunteering at an event run by the Wales team, why not use the 'Get in touch' form first and introduce yourself?
You may have some questions that they'd be able to answer and then when you're ready, you can submit your application to be a SU volunteer!
Please note that to apply to be a Scripture Union volunteer you will need a 'My SU' account.
For all returning SU volunteers, remember to use the email address you've used for previous volunteer applications. And if you don't yet have a 'My SU' account, don't worry, you can create one by clicking here first!
Scripture Union Cymru is the name for the SU work in Wales.
We work in the Welsh and English language, and you'll discover that our key resources are available in both English and Welsh.
Get in touch
We are passionate about reaching the 95% of children and young people who don’t go to church with the good news of Jesus! If that’s you too, then let’s talk.
Together we can reach the 95
SUpport your local Mission Enabler
We love that we are able to offer our local mission support to both churches and passionate individuals, across England and Wales, completely free of charge.
That's right, our Mission Enablers share their knowledge, experience and expertise for free! And it is thanks to the faithful prayers and generous donations of supporters, just like you, that this is possible.
Discover how you can support your local Mission Enabler in prayer and/or finance today.
Not your local team?
We want to make sure that you're connected with the right people! So if this isn't your local team, you can either;
- Fill in the form above telling us where you live and we'll get your local team to get in touch with you; or
- Click on the button below to discover your local team and contact them directly!
Either way – we can't wait to hear from you!