
Equipped to serve

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Last year, we were blessed to have over 180 young Christians help on our holidays and events. Through your support, we’ve now launched a new development programme to help grow their confidence and even become the church leaders of tomorrow.


Eleanor grew up in a Christian home, but she says that when she went on SU’s Escape holiday aged 13 she was able to think for herself about what it meant to be a Christian. ‘It wasn’t my family’s faith anymore – it started to become my own. I was able to ask my questions – my small group leaders really made me think about things on a much deeper level. 

‘I remember there being young leaders there. It was nice to have people our own age to relate to. I always wanted to be one of them.’ So when she was given the opportunity to be a young leader herself, Eleanor jumped at it. ‘I really valued being able to introduce children to Jesus, to give them the opportunity to chat, ask questions, look into the Bible.’ She recalls one girl who came on holiday with a friend and, on returning home, she decided to become a Christian. ‘It was so encouraging to hear that!’ 

"I really valued being able to introduce children to Jesus"

Getting more than you give 
Eleanor says that she’s found volunteering very valuable. ‘It might feel like you’re sacrificing a week, but I’ve gained so much through the example of older, more mature Christians teaching me how to live out my life as a follower of Jesus. I’ve grown so much in my faith!’ 

While all our young leaders enjoy similar wonderful support and inspiration from their teams, we wanted to offer them additional opportunities to help them develop leadership skills and build their confidence. So Rachel Blake, SU’s Young Leaders Enabler, invited some of them – including Eleanor – to help shape our new Young Leaders Development Programme. It consists of training and discussion workshops, plus support during the holidays and events, which cover: 

The Bible: Why and how we read the Bible, and how to share it well with children and young people 

Leadership: What this involves, how Christian leadership is distinctive, and how to apply the learning on holidays and events 

Safeguarding: Why and how to safeguard themselves, and how to keep children and young people on holidays and events safe 

How to: Practical tips and hands-on experience of leading a game and praying for a young person 

Young leaders meeting

Rachel says, ‘The Young Leaders Development Programme aims to give young people like Eleanor more confidence to share the love of Jesus with children and young people on holidays and events and in their everyday lives. We hope it will better equip them to serve God.’ 

"People are so much more open to faith, to hearing about Jesus, than I ever expected"

Eleanor recognises the importance of reaching out beyond the church walls. Now at university, she and others from the Christian Union stand outside nightclubs on Friday evenings with tea and biscuits. She says, ‘People are so much more open to faith, to hearing about Jesus, than I ever expected. They’re missing out on that hope of Jesus. They’re seeing all the brokenness of the world, but they’re not seeing how it’s all going to be restored. If every single Christian stepped out and shared their faith, we could make a massive impact on those 12 million young people who don’t know the gospel.’

Help make our Young Leaders programme possible

Head over to su.org.uk/youngleaders to find out more about the development programme and to support this hugely important work with a gift.

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