Light Parties

"I will not be afraid… for you are with me"

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Your support enables us to offer free Light Party resources to thousands of churches, helping them to hold positive and fun events at Halloween, celebrating Jesus as Light of the World. This year’s pack focuses on Jesus bringing light and comfort, more broadly for when children go through dark and difficult times.

We asked some children and young people about what things worry them and who they talk to. Their concerns included exams, homework, moving schools, friendships and bullying. But whilst they might talk to family and friends about minor concerns, they keep their big worries to themselves. They worry that sharing them could lead to gossip and in turn to bullying and ridicule. 

‘If it was, like, something big, I probably wouldn’t share it with anyone… because then there’s a possibility of them telling other people.’ Angela, 12 

‘If it’s big and important, I wouldn’t want it to get loose and go everywhere in the world.’ Ben, 10 

‘I’m quite a private person, so I don’t tend to talk to people easily.’ Ella, 14 

‘Sometimes people pick on me and I get bullied badly… I thought that by telling they'd call me a snitch' Harriet, 12 

So, this year’s Light Party resources include elements that will help children to grasp how Jesus is a light that is always with them in the dark times of their lives, offering them comfort, strength and support. These are additional to the regular content – ideas for your light party event, top tips on planning and promoting it, and how to talk to children about Halloween. 

"God knows what I think anyway. I’d ask him for advice, for wisdom."

The good news is that Christian children were already talking to God about their problems. Kerry aged 14 says, ‘God knows what I think anyway. I’d ask him for advice, for wisdom.’ And 12-yearold Harriet says, ‘I know I can trust him because it says it in the Bible.’ 

But children who aren’t part of a church may not have that comfort. 

Churches who used our Light Party Pack last year said that 64% of the children attending did not usually go to church. So this October, don’t miss out on the opportunity to hold a light party, and share how Jesus is always there for them to turn to when life gets tough.

Download your FREE Light Party Pack here.

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Your generous donations help us create resources like the Light Party Pack and enable us to share Jesus in a whole range of exciting ways. To make a gift, click below or call 01908 856 000

Read more Connecting You stories

This story features in the Autumn 2019 edition of our supporter and prayer magazine, Connecting You. Read more Connecting You stories here.


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