Young people in a group

Training young leaders

With the right support and resources, young people can become great leaders of Christian groups in their schools

School Group Leaders Training

This training is available for you to download and use with the young people you know completely free of charge. 

Broken down into two sections: Core Sessions and Skills Sessions, below you'll find links to everything you need (session outlines, handouts, notes for talks, PowerPoint presentation etc) to run this training. Not only that, but we've included a comprehensive course overview and course notes for you to read as you prepare.

Part 1: Core Sessions

These three sessions are designed to equip young people to become effective leaders of Christian groups in secondary schools and should be included at the beginning of the training event.

Core Session 1

Core Session 2

Core Session 3

Part 2: Skills Sessions

These ten sessions cover a range of skills that will help young people become effective leaders of Christian groups in secondary schools.

Covering a range of topics, you do not have to cover all of these sessions but rather choose the ones that are most appropriate for them.

Session 1 – Group dynamics
Understanding how a group operates can be vital in ensuring that a group is effective.

Session 2 – Leadership skills
This session will enable them to discover their preferred leadership style and recognise their strengths and weaknesses.

Session 3 – Preparing and leading a group Bible study
A practical session that will help them use the Bible more effectively in their groups. A printable booklet is also available to download.

Session 4 – How to start a group
Advice and guidance for those who are wanting to start a new group in their school.

Session 5 – How to plan a programme
This session will help them see why programme planning can be really useful. They will also look at some ways of actually doing this.

Session 6 – How to plan a meeting
Top tips for turning good ideas into great meetings. A printable handout is also available to download.

Session 7 – Building groups that last
The opportunity to reflect on why some groups wither quickly while others run for years and years.

Session 8 – How to be a servant community
A session to help groups see that what they do is as important as what they say. How can they show Jesus' love to their school?

Session 9 – How to handle difficult behaviour
Top tips on handling challenging behaviour. The session also looks at the effective use of rules and sanctions.

Session 10 – Presentation skills
A practical session designed to develop their presentation skills.

Got a question?

If you've got a question about this training material, or have any training needs, why not start a conversation with your local Mission Enabler?

With a heart for empowering the local church and taking the good news of Jesus out into schools, and particularly to those who don't go to church, our Mission Enablers have years of experience and expertise that you can tap into, for free!

Young Leader Development programme (part width)
Young Leader with child

Aged 16 – 21 and interested in leadership?

Why not consider taking part in our brand new Young Leaders Development Programme?

Every year, as part of our holidays and events programme, we create opportunities for young people between the ages of 17 and 21 to develop their leadership skills and volunteer alongside our Event Leaders.

Discover more about the difference that you can make, as well as how we can support and equip you!

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