Myles MacBean interview

Myles MacBean's highlights as National Director

We sat down with Scripture Union England and Wales' departing National Director, Myles MacBean, to ask him a few questions about his five years in the role.

We hope you will be blessed as you hear about all God has done over that time, and will be inspired to join us in prayer for the the next chapter as Myles hands the baton over to incoming National Director, Dave Newton. 

Grab a cup of tea and watch the video below (14 minutes) or read the transcript here

"Let's recognise the privilege it is that God has called us to be part of his mission through Scripture Union." Myles MacBean

A message from Myles:
As I get ready to step down, I am so excited about this next chapter for SU. I know that, in Dave (Newton), I am handing over to somebody with that same passion for the '95’. And in chatting with him, and looking at his career, I can see that just as God did for my season – building the skills and expertise and gifting for me – he's built a different person for a new season, and I'm convinced he's the right guy for it!

And you, our supporters, are at the centre of Scripture Union, making everything we do possible. And as we begin this new chapter, you can continue to support SU in so many ways.

You can volunteer, you can pray and you can give so that, together, we can expand our impact on those 95% of children who aren't near church.

If you'd like to make a gift to ensure this vital work continues to flourish, you can donate on this page (on the right, or scroll to the end if you're on your mobile). Alternatively, you can give over the telephone by calling our supporter care team on 01908 856000.

Have you ever though about volunteering with Scripture Union? There are lots of opportunities, and I'm sure there's something that would suit you. Take a look at how you could make a real impact by giving your time here

You can also pray for us in this time of change. Pray particularly that the unchanging word of God will be revealed to children and young people through Faith Guides journeying with them.

Thank you so much, from the bottom of my heart. 


"You, as supporters, are Scripture Union and we'd love you to get more involved."

Dave Newton

Introducing Dave Newton

Dave Newton will take on the role of National Director in March 2024, picking up the role from Myles.

Find out about Dave and his aspirations for the next season of SU's ministry in England and Wales…

The 95 block

Together, we can reach the 95% of children and young people not in church

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