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Understanding the next generation is of paramount importance, as we continue to share the good news of Jesus in culturally relevant ways

Learning and understanding

The political, economic and social landscape of the world is changing at an ever-increasing pace and with each new generation comes changes in attitudes, values, perceptions and behaviours. 

If we are serious about reaching children and young people who don't go to church with the gospel (which we are!) then we have to make sure that we are continually learning and understanding who they are, and the world that they live in.

The Revealing Jesus mission framework

Faith for Gen Z

In 2020 we launched the Revealing Jesus mission framework, designed to help passionate individuals and churches walk alongside children and young people through each stage of their faith journey – Connect, Explore, Respond and Grow.

For many of Generation Z, traditional church just doesn't seem to be for them, or fit with their culture, so they don't stay part of it for long. But that doesn't mean they don't want to explore the difference that Jesus can make in their lives!

The Revealing Jesus mission framework has been built on extensive experience of working with unchurched children and young people, as well as research into the faith journeys of the 95 in this research called "Faith for Gen Z".

Hybrid Mission Report

Exploring Hybrid Mission Amongst Young People - out now!

Created in partnership with Dr Sarah Holmes at Liverpool Hope University, this two-stage research project, explores online hybrid ministry amongst the 95% of children and young people who don't go to church. 

We heard from 155 young people (88 interviews and online surveys with a further 67 young people) and 120 youth leaders - investigating their experiences and perceptions of online and hybrid spaces, and their views on the most appropriate ways to explore the Christian faith. 

Download the report and discover our findings.


Published Reports

As well as in-house research projects, we embrace opportunities to draw upon the experience and expertise of others who are equally passionate about seeing a difference in the lives of children and young people.

Together, we seek to discover the true reality for children, young people and mission.

Feel Good News Report
This research, carried out in partnership with Youthscape, shares the findings of a survey of 1,000 teenagers across the UK, capturing their responses to five gospel-based statements we wrote in an attempt to identify what might sound and feel like 'good news' to this generation.
Influencers Report logo
Research amongst UK Christian young people and youth leaders into the methods and perceived effectiveness of peer-to-peer evangelism and outreach amongst teenagers.

Published: 8 June 2022
Boy doing cartwheel
Based on a year of extensive evaluations of mission activity aimed at reaching ‘the 95’, this report is packed full of findings and, most importantly, recommendations to help you achieve success in your own missions.

Published: July 2018
Mission Support

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If you're interested in being one of the first to hear about our research projects, sign up for FREE Mission Support from Scripture Union. 

Designed to inspire, equip and empower you in mission to non-church-going children and young people, as soon as you sign up, you'll have access to:

  • Exclusive training opportunities
  • Monthly Mission Sparks – bitesize inspiration for mission
  • The Revealing Jesus First Steps Guide
  • New resources and content
  • Findings from research into mission with the 95
  • + much more

The 95 block

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