Child and adult in front of a sunset

What we do

We create opportunities for children and young people to explore the Bible, respond to Jesus and grow in faith.

We believe every child should have the chance to discover Jesus. And, with an estimated 95% of children in England and Wales not part of a church, we're working harder than ever to take the good news of Jesus beyond the church in exciting and culturally relevant ways.

With extensive experience of working with unchurched children and young people, as well as research into the faith journeys of the 95, everything we do is focused around our vision to see a new generation of children and young people who have a vibrant, personal faith in Jesus. 

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Mission Support

Get your FREE Mission Support

Unlock the full potential of your outreach to children and young people with FREE Mission Support from Scripture Union

With 95% of under-18s not in church, sharing Jesus with the younger generations is a real challenge. But we're here for you! We've got years of experience under our belts, and we're ready and waiting to inspire, equip and empower you in mission to non-church-going children and young people.

So whether you're just looking for inspiration and resources or you want full-on one-to-one practical support, we've got you covered!

Together we can reach the 95!

Equipping you to make a difference

Connecting with schools
We have seen lives changed and school communities impacted by the witness of faithful Christians sharing the good news of Jesus within their local schools. With training, resources and great support available, discover how you and your church can engage with children and young people in a school environment.
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Through our bespoke support, training and resources, the SU Sports team will help you unpack fun ideas to be able to use – whatever your context – as you journey in faith with the 95% of children and young people who don't go to church,
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Through in-person and online training, we're here to equip and support you and your church in mission. Discover more about the training available and book your place today!
The Revealing Jesus mission framework

The Revealing Jesus mission framework

Scripture Union's Mission Support centres on the application of our Revealing Jesus mission framework, helping you and your church journey effectively with children and young people through each stage of their faith journey – Connect, Explore, Respond and Grow.

The Revealing Jesus mission framework will not only help your church to connect with the 95 but will also provide you with the support and resources you need to continue to walk alongside them as they find and grow in faith.

Supporting you every step of the way

Local Team
Based all around England and Wales, our Mission Enablers have years of experience and expertise to equip and support you and your church as you reach out to the children and young people in your area.

With a passion for empowering the local church, whether you are brand new to working with children and young people, or have been doing it for years, your local team are ready to start a conversation with you.
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Scripture Union partners with local groups that have a vision to work with children and young people in their area. Each mission partner is encouraged to be a local expression of SU, reflecting our aims and vision in ways appropriate to the locality and they are a brilliant source of local knowledge and connection.

Discover who is based in your area (as well as the National Partnerships) and get connected!
We've got loads of resources to help you share the good news of Jesus with the next generation (and plenty to help you build your own faith too!).

With free downloads to support you all year round, exciting holiday clubs, and brilliant give away books for your events, head to our Resources Centre to discover more!

"I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full."
John 10:10

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Get involved - children with hands up

Get involved!

Scripture Union is a movement of passionate people all with the same vision and mission – to see a new generation of children and young people who have a vibrant, personal faith in Jesus!

With an estimated 95% of children in England and Wales not part of a church, we're working harder than ever to take the good news of Jesus beyond the church in exciting and culturally relevant ways.

But all that we do, is only possible because of the support and involvement of people, just like you!

Discover all the ways you can get involved and support the work of SU today.

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Child and adult in front of a sunset

Creating safe spaces for exploring faith in Jesus

At Scripture Union, keeping children safe is of paramount importance, and the need to provide adequate care for children and young people is at the forefront of any event planning.

Take a look at our Safeguarding Policy and discover resources that you may find useful.

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Discover what God is doing

God is continually on the move and we love sharing stories of what he is doing in the lives of children and young people across England and Wales.

Through volunteers, churches, Faith Guides, and Local and National Mission Partners; in schools, churches and local communities; thousands of opportunities are being created for children and young people to discover for themselves the difference that Jesus can make in their lives.

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Connecting You magazine

Subscribe to Connecting You

Connecting You is Scripture Union's free supporter and prayer magazine, keeping you up to date with what God is doing through the SU movement. 

Available in print and online, in each edition you'll find:

  • Exciting stories, testimonies and updates
  • Ideas and resources for your ministry with children and young people
  • Daily prayer prompts

The 95 block

Sign up for the SU monthly email to keep up to date with all God's doing through Scripture Union.

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