Christmas Experience

Christmas experience

Story type:
  • Central England

Four local primary schools bring their Year 3 classes to a local church to experience the Christmas story for themselves

Christmas experience

Christmas experience

We have had the privilege over the last few years to be able to invite four of the local primary schools to bring along their Year 3 classes and take part in our ‘Christmas Experience’ in the local church. They come and join us for a morning where they get the chance to walk through the entire Christmas story, as well as throwing in some reflective crafts and the odd custard cream or two. They start their exploration off by meeting the Angel Gabriel at Mary’s house and finding out first-hand the incredible news that was shared with her. They go on a long journey and play a game with the innkeeper, who sadly only has one space left for the pregnant Mary. Then they get to meet the crazy shepherd out in the field to hear his side of the story, with some weird noises and more angels than they can count appearing, they find that the King above all other Kings was born in a dirty stable and they had the pleasure of being the first people to meet him. Finally the wise men have their say, sharing about the gifts they bought, to a now toddler sized Jesus. This is all interspersed with a booklet, to aid their thinking, the chance to recreate their own nativity with costumes and a stable, as well as make an angel to take home and a large nativity star for their classrooms.

For many of these children this story comes as a surprise, with no Santa, Jesus not being from the South Pole and that it actually celebrates Christ’s mass (his birth). This year we have also given away a copy of the ‘First Christmas’ booklet to every child to continue to explore the story for themselves before they join us at Easter for our ‘Easter Experience’


  • Christmas

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