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Prayers for June - August 2024

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Thank you for joining us in praying for Scripture Union's work!

Week beginning May 26

This week's prayers relate to this story. Please pray for all those who are Faith Guides, and the Scripture Union Mission Enablers who support them

Sunday 26 Give thanks to God for all Faith Guides. Pray particularly for those who are volunteers like Nadine, and willingly give up their spare time to share Jesus with children and young people who don’t yet know him.

Monday 27 Give thanks to God too for our Mission Enablers as they help Faith Guides to connect with the next generation to help them explore the Bible, respond to Jesus and grow in faith.

Tuesday 28 Sometimes God’s ways are not our ways! Praise God for enabling Nadine to identify and creatively use the resources available to her – her ‘loaves and fishes’ – and helping her to trust that he would bless them.

Wednesday 29 Give thanks to God that, as we step out in faith to share Jesus with the next generation, he is ready to bless the plans we lay before him in prayer.

Thursday 30 Please pray that the young people Nadine and Kelli are working with will encounter God in a very real way and have opportunities to choose to follow Jesus themselves.

Friday 31 Praise God for enabling Scripture Union to develop and deliver training for Faith Guides, giving them the skills and confidence to share his love effectively with the children and young people in their communities.

Saturday 1 Today is the start of Volunteers’ Week. Give thanks to God for all our amazing volunteers including those leading on holidays and missions. Ask him to bless and strengthen them as they serve him so faithfully.

Week beginning June 2

Sunday 2 Please pray for SU Slovakia’s new pilot programme, aiming to create a curriculum for long-term training for children’s workers. Pray too for three workshops they will be doing with the Baptist Union for Sunday school teachers in different regions of Slovakia.

Monday 3 This week, Mission Enabler Neil Jackson will be helping to head up the children’s and families’ team at Festival Teesside. Pray for fruitful engagement in the local schools during the week and with families at the weekend. Pray for effective follow up helping children who attend to grow in faith.

Tuesday 4 Pray for staff worker Fi Messenger of Mission Partner Archway Trust and her team of volunteers as they go into Northamptonshire village schools to run Bible craft clubs and prayer spaces. Pray too for their toddler groups, monthly events and holiday clubs.

Wednesday 5 Give thanks for the Go Wild at Great Wood and Families Inc. holidays that happened recently. Pray that the children who attended will remember what they learned and experienced and that they will stay close to Jesus as they go back to school.

Thursday 6 Pray for Maggie Barfield who recently retired from Scripture Union after nearly thirty years of service in various publishing roles, including Ancora Mission Leader. Ask for God’s blessing on her in this next phase of life. Pray for the Development Hub as they look for her successor.

Friday 7 In June, Mission Partner GenR8 will visit schools in Cambridgeshire as part of the summer term assembly tour. Four teams will visit 100 schools with an assembly titled Respect. Pray for the safety of each team volunteer and for the children and staff who will hear the messages.

Saturday 8 Please pray for Isaac O’Brien in his role as Content Assistant. Please pray for his work on Encounter with God, and as he seeks to hone his analytical, creative and critical skills on all the resources he works on with the Development Hub.

Week beginning June 9

Sunday 9 The Scripture Union Campus Fellowship, a ministry to young people in tertiary institutions in Nigeria, will be holding their annual conference 13-16 June. Pray that this will lead to many new leaders for SU Nigeria.

Monday 10 Pray for Mission Partner Matlock Area Schools Trust as they hold their AGM and thanksgiving service on 29 June; it is planned that a headteacher and possibly some children will be contributing. Pray that the service will generate more interest in and support for the trust.

Tuesday 11 Please pray for Technical Services Manager Ian Gooding as he continues to guide staff and volunteers in effective use of our IT systems. Ask that he’ll be effective in keeping our various services running smoothly and as part of the Digital Solutions team will help make improvements and efficiencies to our processes.

Wednesday 12 Pray for Faith Guides in the south west who will be taking groups to SPREE SW (run by SWYM and supported by SU from 21 to 23 June). This event has streams reflecting the Revealing Jesus framework; one for those wanting to Grow in faith and another to enable the move from Explore to Respond.

Thursday 13 We thank God for our supporters who are an amazing blessing to us. Join us in praying that each one might receive a blessing from God.

Friday 14 Pray for the staff members, trustees, volunteers and various projects of Mission Partner The Youth Net in Stafford. June is a month of transition for many of their groups, both secondary and primary. Pray for good endings and the knowledge that God goes with them.

Saturday 15 Jack Newbould, one of our Mission Enablers in Wales, is looking forward to supporting churches as they reach the 95 through mission events in their communities this summer and training some young leaders. Pray for these churches in South Wales as they explore these options.

Week beginning June 16

Sunday 16 Pray for SU Rwanda’s ministry with young girls living on the streets, asking that the SU team will help the girls find hope and practical ways to make a living by learning new skills.

Monday 17 The team in the north are excited about the growing number of Faith Guides in the region. Pray for them as they seek to develop new Faith Guide holidays where children and young people can continue to take steps towards a deeper faith in Jesus.

Tuesday 18 Thank God for the opportunities that It’s Your Move provides for making connections with local schools and for helping pupils as they transition to secondary school. Pray for all those using it this year to help children facing the move. 

Wednesday 19 We are coming towards the end of a lengthy programme to update all our technology. Pray that the final stages of upgrading our finance system will go smoothly and for the development of the database that the Development Hub use to manage the scheduling, costing and specification of Revealing Jesus resources and Bible Reading Guides.

Thursday 20 The South West team will be at SPREE South West this weekend. Toby Chant, Chris Eales and Eddie Howlett will be in the indoor sports area and Margaret Lilley will be part of the Rooted programme for 8–11s. Pray that many of those who attend will meet Jesus in fresh ways.

Friday 21 Lifepath Brinkburn starts on Monday. Please pray for Kirstine and the team as they introduce the children to those who lived at Brinkburn Priory, and that through their stories the children will learn more about God and grow in their faith.

Saturday 22 Mission Partner Beverley Schools Christian Trust gives thanks for one-to-one listening support for secondary pupils; pray for the pupils in often challenging life circumstances. Pray too for children in the lunchtime Bible clubs and prayer spaces, as they explore faith, prayer and the Bible.

Week beginning June 23

Sunday 23 Pray for the schools’ ministry of SU in Papua New Guinea including their regular feeding programme, helping to draw in children who might normally miss school.

Monday 24 Pray for plans for a holiday Bible club 13–15 August, to be run by Mission Partner Living Stones Education Trust in partnership with Heathfield Church in Manchester. Pray for the leaders and volunteers as they prepare and that the children who attend will be amazed by God’s power and love for them.

Tuesday 25 Pray for all those using our new summer resource pack to connect with children and young people through sport this year. Pray that they will be equipped and inspired and that as a result many children and young people will discover Jesus.

Wednesday 26 Mission Events Co-ordinator Sue Hill asks us to pray for perseverance as she continues to support the rest of the team in clearing volunteers for Scripture Union’s summer holidays and missions. Sue also asks for prayers for all the dedicated volunteers who will generously give their time, energy and enthusiasm to support our events this year.

Thursday 27 Grace Youth is a Grow Community in Sheffield run by Faith Guide Natasha. They meet to worship, play games, explore the Bible and sometimes eat pizza! Pray that members will continue to grow in faith and that the community will make new connections with the 95 in the area.

Friday 28 Pray for all the Mission Partners running transition events for children moving from primary to secondary schools. Pray for wisdom and energy for the workers and volunteers as they offer children helpful information and advice encouraging them to move to secondary schools with confidence.

Saturday 29 Pray for our senior staff team as they review the take up of Mission Support and seek to discern further developments that will broaden and deepen the impact of the Revealing Jesus mission framework through the local church.

Week beginning June 30

Sunday 30 The Camps team of SU New Zealand are preparing four school holiday winter camps in July. Pray for two camps based at their Adventure Lodge in Whakapapa, Mt Ruapehu.

Monday 1 Today marks the ninth birthday of the Guardians of Ancora children’s app. Praise God for the ongoing impact of the game and the mission around it. More than 2.3 million players have explored Bible stories and had the opportunity of discovering the difference Jesus can make to the adventures and challenges of life.

Tuesday 2 Pray for Sarah Howard Smith, Support Worker in the north region, as she prepares for the Edale holiday this summer where she will be working in the kitchen and co-leading. Pray that the children will come to a deeper understanding of who God is and what he could mean to them.

Wednesday 3 Pray for the It’s Your Move sessions being run by Mission Partner Active Christianity in Thanet Schools with Year 6 pupils. Pray for the development of their work in secondary schools and for someone to lead the primary schools’ work.

Thursday 4 Pray for Moira and the team on Frontline Hungary this week. Each year a team of English-speaking volunteers help SU Hungary to run children’s holiday clubs for 7–13s where the children can learn conversational English, Bible stories and songs. Please pray for the team as they seek to share Jesus with the children. 

Friday 5 Senior Content Manager Angela Grigson asks us to pray that the new Publishing Information System being developed to hold all the data associated with the resources created by the Development Hub will help the team to be more effective in what they do.

Saturday 6 Mission Partner Brentwood Schools Christian Worker Trust is thankful for opportunities to support local Year 6 pupils in their transition to secondary school through their It’s Your Move lessons. Please also pray for their LifeSpace project helping Year 10 pupils to reflect on their future.

Week beginning July 7

Sunday 7 Pray for Scripture Union Scotland’s developing relationships with churches, youth projects and organisations working in Scotland’s most deprived communities. Pray for wisdom as to how SU Scotland can add value to existing ministry and for new partnerships to emerge.

Monday 8 Pray for Facilities and Administration Assistant Grace Inwood as she continues to maintain SU’s National Office (Trinity House) on a day-to-day basis, and in the longer term, and as she provides support to the Finance and IT teams.

Tuesday 9 July is a busy time for the Mission Events team. Please pray that they will have stamina and spiritual wisdom as they support the holiday and mission leaders getting ready for the summer programme.

Wednesday 10 LifeExpo is an interactive multimedia exhibition on the life of Jesus being run in July for the children of Newham by Mission Partner Faith in Schools, London City Mission and Newham churches. Pray that it will build closer links between schools and churches and that many children will learn more about Jesus.

Thursday 11 Thank God for the way in which over many years SU holiday club material has helped many children to start a journey with God. Pray for all churches using the resources over this summer and for a lasting impact on the children who attend.

Friday 12 Give thanks for those who give their time and skills to serve as trustees for Scripture Union. Pray that as they meet regularly with the Leadership team, they may together discern God’s direction for the movement. 

Saturday 13 Please pray for Dave Newton as he leads Scripture Union, especially over this exciting summer season. Pray for wisdom, favour and imagination as he seeks to navigate the challenges and opportunities that leadership brings. Pray for safety and fruitfulness as he travels and shares in a range of mission contexts.

Week beginning July 14

Sunday 14 Pray that Scripture Union Kosovo’s ministry through sport will build bridges with children and young people from all faith backgrounds and will introduce them to Jesus.

Monday 15 The team in the south east give thanks for the recent Faith Guide holiday for churches in the London and Essex areas which took place at Stubbers Adventure Centre in Essex. Pray that through the example and love of their leaders, the young people who came will continue to draw closer to God.

Tuesday 16 Mission Partner Regeneration:Harrow asks for prayer for their new Schools Worker Rachel Sampath who started in March. Pray that she will settle in well and quickly re-establish good working relationships with the schools.

Wednesday 17 Pray for Mandy Hagon, PA to Director of Mission, as she works with the wider Mission Development team supporting them in the implementation of the various new computer systems being introduced during the year.

Thursday 18 Please pray for Mark Green as he leads the Digital Solutions Team, working on projects that will help us to work more effectively and efficiently. Pray especially for a project to restructure a key area of the website to give a better user experience.

Friday 19 Next week we will be running holiday clubs in Hexham and Potters Bar. Please pray for the leaders as they prepare, and especially for Nicola at Potters Bar as she steps into leadership for the first time. Pray that good numbers will come and that children will respond to the message of Jesus.

Saturday 20 Pray that Mission Partner Lighthouse Project Crawley may have opportunities to serve more secondary schools. Pray that they would be invited into schools to lead secondary school assemblies, and that God would provide the resources and personnel needed for this.

Week beginning July 21

This week's prayers relate to this story. Please pray for all the children and young people without church connections that are hearing about Jesus this summer.

Sunday 21 Give thanks to God for Leonie, Joel and the team at King’s Church Durham for their passion and determination to share Jesus with children and young people in their community.

Monday 22 Over 150 years ago, SU founder Josiah Spiers wrote ‘God is love’ on the beach at Llandudno, North Wales. Praise God that those words still speak so powerfully into the lives of children and young people today.

Tuesday 23 Please pray for the young people that Leonie, Joel and their team are working with in Durham. Ask God to help them to truly believe how much he loves them, and that they can trust him to be the sure foundation for their lives.

Wednesday 24 Please pray that more young people without church connections will join the regular sport sessions in Durham so they too can hear God’s message of love for them.

Thursday 25 Praise God for how he is using sport across the country to bring together and build trust between churches and young people in the wider community, so that the next generation get to hear the good news of Jesus.

Friday 26 This summer, many churches have sport-based mission activities planned. Please pray that they will lead to many more children and young people having life-changing encounters with Jesus.

Saturday 27 Ask God to give wisdom to Leonie, Joel and the team at King’s Church Durham as they consider how to take the young people they are working with on the next stage of their faith journey.

Week beginning July 28

Sunday 28 SU Hungary’s online youth Bible-reading website ‘On the road’ was launched in January. Pray that it will encourage young people to read the Bible regularly. Pray for plans to launch an app later this year and for the necessary funding.

Monday 29 This is the first full week of the summer holidays and missions. Please pray for safety and fun across the country as hundreds of volunteers share the good news of Jesus with children, young people and families.

Tuesday 30 Pray for Bex Jignasu, Mission Partners Coordinator, as she works with the regional teams to build good relationships with the mission partners. Pray for effectiveness as she works with the partnership group to develop networks and partnerships with other agencies and organisations to maximise the Revealing Jesus mission impact.

Wednesday 31 Mission Partner Bodmin Youth Project ran sports sessions over Easter in association with the council’s out-of-school holiday provision and are seeking to build on this over the summer. Pray that all those they reach in the community will engage with the good news of Jesus.

Thursday 1 Pray that young people and their leaders who joined the central region on their Faith Guide holiday at the ‘Dreaming the Impossible’ event will go back to their Faith Guide groups inspired to go deeper in their journey of discipleship.

Friday 2 Praise God for the witness of the beach missions, some of which have been active now for over a hundred years. There are six running this week throughout England and Wales. Praise God that every year the gospel is presented to a new generation of children and pray for many to respond to him.

Saturday 3 Mission Enabler Lisa Jones is in the early stages of planning a Faith Guide holiday for the autumn. Faith Guides will bring groups of children aged 8–11 to experience a great time exploring and responding to Jesus though a range of activities. Pray that she will know God’s guidance.

Week beginning August 4

Sunday 4 Pray that the new partnership between SU Nepal and a local pastor reaching out to children in remote parts of the country and running a new camp will result in many hearing about Jesus.

Monday 5 Pray that working relationships will continue to flourish in the team of Mission Partner The Wave Youth and Children working in Swanage. Join them in giving thanks for increased opportunities in local youth groups and mentoring in schools and pray for increasing support from the local Christian community.

Tuesday 6 Please pray that Janine Parkinson, Mission Enabler in the central region, will have wisdom to know how best to support a new influx of Faith Guides. Pray that these Faith Guides will be used to share the good news of Jesus with children and young people.

Wednesday 7 Taking place this week is Make the Difference, a holiday for young leaders to develop their gifts and skills whilst serving the children on the Spot the Difference holiday. Thank God for all our young leaders across the holidays and missions and pray that they will be inspired and equipped as they step into leadership, many for the first time.

Thursday 8 April to June 2025 Bible Reading Guides go to press in the next week. Pray for the staff as they make final corrections to the publications and thank God that material written far in advance speaks so relevantly to the readers.

Friday 9 Pray for the appointment of a School’s Worker for Mission Partner Cadwyn Teifi to work with the churches in the Tregaron/Lampeter area of Ceredigion (Wales). They are committed to appointing a dedicated, energetic Christian with bilingual skills, and a heart to share the gospel with the upcoming generation.

Saturday 10 The Ka’zoo and Ka’zoo 2.0 holidays start today. Please pray for Michelle and Chris as they lead the holidays and for the team as they come together to provide an amazing week for the children and young people.

Week beginning August 11

Sunday 11 Pray for a new project in Quebec where SU for French-speaking Canada aims to open a resources centre. Pray for continued support to make the initiative possible and that it will make a significant contribution to Christian work in the country.

Monday 12 Pray that Regional Team Leader Dom Conidi will know God’s direction in leading the central team as they seek to support a quickly growing community of Faith Guides and Faith Guide churches. He thanks God for the support he and the team receive in prayer and financially.

Tuesday 13 As we make Revealing Jesus resources available to more users, we have a long-term project to make it far easier for users to search, identify and use them. Pray that those working on the complex project will have wisdom, patience and knowledge.

Wednesday 14 A number of churches across Wales are now taking part in an all-age rural Revealing Jesus pilot project based on the Go Wild Resource. This involves using outdoor learning to explore faith as whole families. Please pray that God will move in power in the lives of these families.

Thursday 15 Livewires is a unique holiday for young people who enjoy all sorts of technology. Please pray for Roger and Joel as they lead the holiday, and for the team as they share their passion for Jesus and tech with the young people.

Friday 16 Pray for Margaret Lilley who will be part of the safeguarding and emergency on-call team over the summer period, visiting holidays and supporting leaders with concerns. Pray for wisdom and sensitivity.

Saturday 17 Please pray for the young people who come to a club run by Faith Guide Kerry in Crickhowell, South Wales. A few are experiencing bullying at school. Pray that they will learn to work together and support one another rather than taking out their frustrations on each other.

Week beginning August 18

Sunday 18 Give thanks for the recent activities conducted in schools by SU in the Solomon Islands and pray that God will continue to use SU to bring hope to children and young people

Monday 19 Thank God for his continuing provision for Scripture Union England and Wales and pray for continued financial support; may God give us ‘more than we ask or imagine’.

Tuesday 20 Pray for the many children who have played and explored Bible stories through the Guardians of Ancora app. In its time, it has introduced thousands to Jesus, here in England and Wales and right across the world. Give thanks for all its done to make the Bible accessible for the 95.

Wednesday 21 The Track is a motorsports holiday restarting this year for the first time since the pandemic. Please pray for David and Nicola as they lead the holiday for the first time, for Tony as he supports them and for the team and young people to rediscover together the excitement of the holiday and of following Jesus.

Thursday 22 SU is committed to basing its ministry strategy on careful research. Pray that the findings of recent research projects will help us to have an accurate picture of the world of the children and young people with whom we work and will result in more effective and targeted ministry.

Friday 23 As the summer holidays draw to a close, the team are already working on the programme for 2025. Give thanks for the venues that host our holidays and pray that we will be able to set up a great programme of holidays and missions for the coming year.

Saturday 24 Pray for the editors of Scripture Union’s Bible reading guides, Sally Nash (Daily Bread) and Sally Nelson (Encounter with God), and for all the writers working on daily comments as they seek to help the readers explore the Bible.


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