Children on beach mission 2023

Why I volunteer on SU's Minnis Bay Mission

Simeon Crosher grew up in a Christian home in Margate, but he thought church was boring. Then he met God one summer on the beach!

Simeon - Connecting you 2024

‘During SU’s Minnis Bay Mission, myself and some other teens happened to also be on the beach, having some fun. A couple of the mission leaders came over and got chatting to us. There was something very different about them! When they offered to pray for me, I never expected anything to happen, but I experienced the incredible peace and love of God for the first time and knew that he was real.

‘It totally changed my perspective on life and I wanted to share Jesus with others around me.’ Today, Simeon volunteers on the Minnis Bay Mission. ‘The team just accepted me as I was, and were so welcoming! Now I lead alongside the same people who prayed for me on the beach!’

(Simeon is Creative Media and Communications Manager at St Nicholas Church, Bristol.) 

Watch Simeon's interview

We recently caught up with Simeon, so if you want to hear more from him, why not check out his full interview?

Volunteers in 2023

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