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The Restoration Station

We want to equip you to reach children and young people, introduce them to Jesus, and build lasting relationships!

Holiday clubs are a great way of opening a door for communities to access the church in a fun, non-formal way, and a fantastic way to grow leaders within your church as they get involved in helping out!

The Restoration Station

The Restoration Station

At The Restoration Station children will be introduced to Jesus as a restorer. Using key stories from John's Gospel, the children will discover how Jesus is the master craftsman who heals and restores.

Designed to fit in with church life, and busy family schedules, The Restoration Station offers both a three-day resource book and additional online resources to extend your holiday club by a further two days. Supported by colourful children's activity books, Toolbox and Logbook available from our resource hub, you can pitch your club at children between the ages of 5 to 11, with activities designed to suit them.



How does it all work?

Maybe you've run holiday clubs before or perhaps you've volunteered at one? If so, you know that it doesn't have to be hard work. With The Restoration Station the hard work of sourcing activities, planning sessions and even creating worksheets has been done for you.

The main resource book is easy to navigate, gives plenty of tips on how to recruit and organise a team and draws on years of running holiday clubs to bring you the tips and tricks you may not necessarily think of to get the best out of your sessions. 

In short, we've done the hard work so you can concentrate on creating your space and getting your volunteers. This 64-page booklet provides 3 days of holiday material that can be added to by accessing our downloads.


The restoration Station Collection

Toolbox and Logbook

The Toolbox, for older children, and The Logbook, for younger children, are club books that are great souvenirs for the children to complete at the holiday club and take home as a recap and reminder of each of the sessions. They also contain Bible passages, reflection activities, games, and quizzes to complete.




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Holiday Club Resources Page
Holiday Club books

Discover more holiday club resources!

We love creating holiday club resources to support you in reaching out to children and young people.

Holiday clubs are a great way of opening a door for communities to access the church in a fun, non-formal way, and a fantastic way to grow leaders within your church as they get involved in helping out!

The 95 block

Together, we can reach the 95% of children and young people not in church

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